Tales From Earthsea Review

So Tales From Earthsea.......Yeah?

The world is no longer in balance as the Black Dragon kills a White Dragon, an event believed impossible signalling the decline of the world. We move to Prince Arren who after slaying his father, wanders the world until being picked up by Sparrowhawk, an Archmage and also tagging along is a girl freed by slavers named Therru. Sparrowhawk aims to restore balance to the world, but danger is never far away.
I really don't care for this, even my synopsis ends so abruptly, Tales From Earthsea is the worst movie Studio Ghibli has ever done which is a shame because it looks amazing with it's animation.
The story is hard to follow, the lead character gives me no reason to like him, the action is bland, the dub voice acting is monotone and barely anyone sounded invested in their performance and finally it barely adapted the original Earthsea book at all.
Final Verdict: I can't tell if Studio Ghibli got complacent, lazy or simply didn't care, either way this is easily the worst anime film I've ever watched
