Top 100 Worst Anime 30-21

Were now closing in on the Top 20.

30. Violinist of Hameln
Congratulations you won the worst adaption award for having most of your anime be still frames.

29. Garzey's Wing
Oh so hilariously incompetent and terrible that I laugh in amazement.

28. Psychic Wars
Ah but the original terrible title is still a strong contender in the worst anime stakes.

27. Girl's Detective Club
The most generic of the all girls team trope.

26. School Days
Well this is utterly deplorable but at the very least he gets punished in gruesome ways, can't say the same about the girl's lives he ruined.

25. Mawaru Penguindrum
Features one of only five female anime characters I'd actually use the C word to describe.

24. Queen's Blade
So infamous that fan service has never been the same since, it ruined ecchi for everyone.

23. Sekirei
Took everyone for a ride but gave no payoff whatsoever, a slap in the face is an understatement.

22. Green Green
It's dumb, so epically dumb that an ecchi master would rate it worst than Eiken.

21. Mars of Destruction
Frequently considered the worst anime ever. They aren't wrong, just it's so bad I'm just laughing out of pity, everything higher than this pissed me off more.
