Outlaw Star Review

I can't believe I haven't reviewed this yet, it's Outlaw Star.

Gene Starwind and Jim Hawking run a jack of all trades business doing anything from bodyguarding to deliveries, Gene himself refuses to go into space after an incident that claimed his father's life, leaving a scar that would never heal.
A renowned outlaw named Hot Ice Hilda hires Gene as a bodyguard but after Hilda is killed, Gene finds himself in possession of her cargo, the spaceship, the Outlaw Star and it's bio android computer Melfina; the ship is said to be capable of reaching the Galactic Leyline, a place said to contain riches, power and knowledge.
Forced to face his fear knowing he now has a target on his back and needing money to operate the huge running costs of his ship and gun, Gene sets off into space with Jim and Melfina, then later joined by Twilight Suzuka and Aisha Clanclan to venture to the Leyline.
A worthy space adventure that really gives that late 90s feel and yet unfairly compared to Cowboy Bebop who came out at the same time, the two run on different energies.
The key difference is that Gene is not a Bounty Hunter and Outlaw Star as an anime is a continuous narrative, this suits Outlaw Star better as Gene and the rest grow with the series reaching to a satisfying climax, also you can't help but love the set pieces that includes Gene's Caster Gun, the most awesome gun in anime.
And of course that killer opening theme, a lot of fun can be had watching Outlaw Star.
Only minor nitpick is the occasional mood whiplash.
Dubbing is strong and worth a watch.
Final Verdict: Outlaw Star never feels bogged down by plot and lore, it's a fun space western that anyone can get into and a good anime to start for new fans.
