KO Century Beast Review

Back to schedule with KO Century Beast.

Earth is split into two, the Northern hemisphere ruled by the beasts and the Southern hemisphere ruled by the humans, the cause of the split made by a falling out between Gaia and Uranus over the evolution of the planet, Nature vs Technology. Uranus attacks the Northern hemisphere with villain duo V-Darn and V-Sion with their manic devil pixie named Akumako.
Professor Password leaves his granddaughter Yuni in the hands of four beasts, the tiger Wan, the bird Bud, the mermaid Mei Mer and the turtle Tuttle. Yuni is the key to Gaia and the Totem Guardians of Earth, Sea and Sky.
It's up to Wan and co to lead the group to Gaia to stop Uranus' attack even if they're too stupid to succeed.
With all that lore, very clumsily put together, the fact that it's a comedy really makes it difficult to take seriously not made any easier by both the American and British dubs treating it like a gag comedy, the British dub in particular being hilariously terrible.
Other than Tuttle I never found any of the beasts had any real ability to do their job properly, the anime is built in a way that should make them way stronger than their forms and comedic personalities suggest, it's kind of a let down that they failed to take advantage of the setting they were given. I was half expecting the franchise to be bigger as well.
Final Verdict: KO Century Beast lacks the agency that the plot demands and leaves it's characters to clumsily stumble through the anime through sheer dumb luck.
