Dirty Pair Affair of Nolandia

Get ready as these reviews are coming in thick and fast.

The Dirty Pair are assigned to protect a young girl named Missiny but before they can even do anything, Missiny's carer is assassinated and Missiny has fled to an unusual eco zone called Nolandia, Missiny has psychic powers and frequently causes illusions to disrupt the Dirty Pair until they change their approach to bait her out by not being hostile, this causes her to be captured by the very group who were previously preventing the Dirty Pair from investigating Nolandia.
It's revealed that Missiny is a creation made from alien DNA, this causes a rebellion within the enemy group which triggers the final chase.
The plot rehashes typical sci fi tropes of the time, in fact the whole playing god thing was explored in Project Eden so you kinda feel a bit underwhelmed by the story, especially when Missiny is involved, I also feel the Dirty Pair are held back a bit personality wise along with art style as this is the most unique among all the various series and OVAs, Flash not withstanding.
Dub is competent at least.
Final Verdict: Easily the weakest of the three features, the climax at least makes up for the messy plot and weaker character writing, it didn't even need to be feature length as this could easily have been an episode of the series.
