Registration is now closed!
Wishlists will be added as they come in.
1. DemonsandAngels - Wishlist
2. ItachiSasuke
3. luicifers wife
4. Hifsa - Wishlist
5. BnZ
6. Evalinna - Wishlist
7. zombieusagi - Wishlist
8. Sakura Tachibana - Wishlist
9. Vosh - Wishlist
10. xAsukachanx - Wishlist
11. Allie Elric - Wishlist
12. Aryia - Wishlist
13. Hana Ishida
14. aka yuki - Wishlist
15. yuko9kost - Wishlist
16. KyraChan - Wishlist
17. JanetChan - Wishlist
18. 21Emmz12
19. ChibiMarco - Wishlist
Any Substitute Secret Santas will be listed again below.