World Review(clubs/role plays)
World Name: (please link)
Leader Name: (please link)
Number of Members: (not including the leader)
Summery: (you can just copy and paste it if they have on in the intro, if they don't than you can either make one or PM the leader)
Personal Opinion: (It's PERSONAL! Not everyone will think the same way. And for the review writer, if you don't have anything good to say, don't say it at all D<)
Number of Pages: (like at the bottom it'll say)
Based off of or Personal: (like is it based off of a anime/manga/etc or is it something they made up. If you don't know, than ask the leader)
Interesting Notes: (Just things you find interesting about the rp/club)
Recommend To: (who would enjoy this rp)
Age Ranking: (like could anyone join? Or is it something that is like 14+?)
Recommends to Make it Better: (no flaming/bashing/etc. If it is/the leader finds it offensive, you will be asked to edit. If the leader finds it offensive but I/other admins. think it's just constructive criticism than it's fine.)
If they have a picture in the intro please put it in the post.