Void - RP World

World Name: Void

Leader Name: Hulaberry32

Number of Members: 11

Summery: Years have passed by and everything is quiet in Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, and Earth. Everyone has returned to leading (somewhat) normal, peaceful lives. Until now. A new enemy has revealed itself, and it's not only targeting the humans. Soul reapers, arrancar, vizard, quincies, and humans are all being attacked by this unknown force. Called Voids, this breed of Hollows can turn living people into monsters like themselves. The population is decreasing, and there's only one thing that can stop them.


In this Bleach roleplaying world you can be anything and everything. Be a human with powers, a genius quincy, a captain-class soul reaper, a bloodthirsty arrancar, or even a powerful vizard. Join the Guardians of Void in their quest to stop this new enemy, and figure out with the rest who is orchestrating this catastrophe of worlds. Do you have what it takes to save the planet, and stay alive?

Personal Opinion: Alright, so this is MY own RP so everything I have to say will probably be good, but so far I'm really liking where things are going. I believe the story is unique and original, and that the characters will be interesting enough to keep the story going. Hopefully we can keep this world alive!

Number of Pages: 9 (mostly profiles)

Based off of or Personal: Based off of the anime/manga series Bleach

Interesting Notes: Not really anything I can think of ^^; The storyline, maybe?

Recommend To: Fans of Bleach!

Age Ranking: Anyone may join, as there's not too much swearing/violence/sexual stuff

Recommends to Make it Better: Maybe more posts, and some better ideas from myself. The RP recently died and I'm currently trying to revive it, so some new members would be great as well! The background is somewhat plain as well as the design, but I don't really want to do anything else with it because it looks alright as it is. If you have any recommendations of improvement, comment below!
