Getting Testy WIP

"Well, on that note: latter, losers," Gail said as she and Raze turned to leave.

"HEY, DON'T ACT ALL STUCK UP, YOU FAILED TOO AND YOU KNOW IT!" Chide exclaimed, his irritation finally overcoming his fear of angering those two psychopaths.

Argos made a quick decision, "Wait, would you guys like to grab some dinner together latter tonight?"

Chide felt his heart drop like an anvil, punching a hole through his stomach straight through the floor. He sent his brother a sort of frightened puppy kind of look, and weirdly, both the Harlows looked rather taken aback.

"Why should we?" Raze spoke up after a moment, Gail turned her back to everyone and stayed silent.

"Well, we all agree we did pretty damn shitty, right? Well, grades will be posted tonight, I figured between the four of us, we can figure out how the hell we screwed shit up. I mean the four of us were in the same dissection group for over half of the material covered," Argos reasoned. Come one, I’m putting myself out there just agree already! Chide was looking more and more like he was in physical pain, "You know if we don't keep our GPA up, we'll be kicked out right?"

Raze at least looked like she was considering it. Or maybe, as Chide seemed to believe, she was contemplating murder…who could tell with these two?

“We’ll think about it,” Gail said without turning, her voice seemed pretty indicative of a no, despite her words, “Come on, Raze.”

“Ok, well see you later!” Argos called after them, trying to keep the mood light, which was hard with Chide acting all gloomy like he’d just signed his death warrant or some shit.

“Do you have ANY idea how awkward this is going to be?” Chide asked once the sisters were out of ear shot, his dismay was growing with every second that passed. Tonight’s dinner loomed in his mind like an insurmountable wall, clouding all his future hopes and dreams. He we doomed. Definitely doomed.

“I still don’t understand why you’re so opposed to getting to know them,” Argos said, feeling annoyed, “They are our classmates after all.”

“Well everyone else in our homeroom is plenty friendly, so why don’t we try to get to know them better instead?” Chide insisted, his cowardice making him desperate for an escape.

“You’re right. Everyone else is totally friendly and forth coming. These two are pretty mysterious, that’s why,” Argos said.

“Ok good, mysterious. Why don’t we LEAVE it that why? I mean, I don’t know about your fancy meister classes, but Raze pretty much exudes a ‘stay the hell away from me’ kind of feel in weapons track exercises, so I’d really rather not get involved!” Chide just kept on rolling.

“Gail’s fine. Stand offish maybe, but nothing that abnormal. She doesn’t fall asleep in class and actually managed to land a hit on me in Meister Track PE,” Argos admitted, feeling his hurt ego twinge a bit, “So it stands to reason she’s a pretty adept meister. The only weak point I can see in those two is the other sister, Raze. She does seem to sleep through most of her classes…so there’s a chance you would be the only one to benefit from this particular deal - hey no ‘buts’!” he cut his brother off as he tried to protest, “My only interest at the moment is that Raze is the ONLY weapon in the class whose ability specs are a complete mystery to me. So basically there’s a fifty-fifty chance this might still be worth my time. So in short, I don’t know why you’re being so stubborn on this, we need to keep all of our options open, you know? Who knows, maybe these two could be our future partners,” Argos finished in an attempt at optimism.

“No, YOU just can’t stand the thought of a couple of girls not liking you, pretty boy,” Chide said sarcastically, dodging as Argos tried to punch him.
“Ha, I couldn’t care less about being liked. Just shut up and see how it goes, ok? And if it is awkward, just DON’T be an asshole!”


“What the hell was that?” Gail wondered aloud as she and Raze walked through the door to their quad.

“Huh?” Nami looked up groggily from where she’d obviously been napping on the couch.

“Could you BE any louder?” Sai, the lovely unwanted house guest, was over. Again.

“Yeah, let me just go get my fog horn,” Gail spat back at her and stormed into her bedroom. She just could not handle her bullshit today.

Raze followed her sister in. “So, you’re not even going to consider it?”

“Of course not! That Argos guy just wants to be everybody’s best friend,” Gail said sarcastically, “He’s such a calculating little bitch and it’s IRRITATING.”

“Are you sure you’re not just making up excuses to avoid having fun or making friends?” Raze asked, patronizing.

“You think that prick’s goal is to make friends? And so what if I am?” Gail snapped, getting angry now, “We can’t form any attachments here, Raze, you know that!”

“I’m not a dumb ass, I know that,” She answered, fighting to keep her cool since that was about the only way her stubborn sister would take her seriously, “I’m just saying, why don’t we fucking try something different, you know? Because I get that you haven’t noticed this and all but I am so damn BORED.” There, let’s see what Gail has to say about that.

“Well that’s cool so just deal with it, would you?” Gail said, not wanting to fight over this, but not wanting to give in either.

Raze took a few steadying breathes before answering. She could feel the boredom, a many clawed beast, climbing and scratching its way up her consciousness, irritating and prodding her to the point she feared she may just break down and scream out her frustration, her need for something interesting to seep its way into her life and sate her starved curiosity. But Gail would scold her for that. “Sure, I’ll fucking deal with it. But I’m doing that by going with or without you, just so you know. It’ll be fun, at least, to watch Neighbor Boy squirm,” She said before slipping out of the room before Gail could yell. Let her stew on that for a bit

“Hey, Nami,” Raze called into the common area.

“Hmm?” Nami’s bleary-eyed faced peered cautiously at her over the couch.

“Feel like eating out tonight?”

Meanwhile, Gail flopped face down on her bed, wishing she could just sink down into it and disappear. Fricking Raze, hinting that she’s afraid of making friends or some corny shit like that. It’s totally not true of course. But even if it is, fine! At least that way when it’s time for them to leave these people, or maybe when they die (undoubtedly because of them), it’s not on their heads. If she and Raze don’t let themselves give a shit, then there’s no fucking problem. Making nice with the natives isn't the objective here any ways. Gail and Raze were here temporarily, for their own purposes. After this damn school lost its usefulness, they were gone. There was no changing that.

She flipped over and stared at the white ceiling. Why the hell do these places like white? I feel like I’m stuck in a freaking psych ward or something…

“Whatever,” she muttered and got up. Gail had to give him this, Argos was right about the GPA shit. She had to start getting serious about classes, or she’d be kicked out before they even made any real progress! Digging through her bags, Gail scooped out a book from Soul Theory 101 and cracked it open.

“Let’s see…a sound soul dwells within…”


“I’m telling you, if they even show up, it’s gonna be awkward,” Chide complained, locking the door to the suite. He felt like a dead man walking. He had a wild thought: what if this was his last meal? He resolved to load his plate up with an extra amount of food, hell if he was going to die, he was going to go out with a full stomach!

“I swear, are your ears turned off? I said give it a chance! We know next to nothing about them, we need more information if we’re to make good, educated choices about our partners. We know Gail’s good at…” Argos trailed off, realizing his mistake.

“Good at what? Cutting the bodies of dead animals apart with frightening speed and accuracy, even BEFORE Professor Stein explains the process? Perfect, do go on about how that is perfectly cool and not disturbing or indicative of homicidal tendencies AT ALL,” Chide argued. Why the hell does Argos insist on being affiliated with these sociopaths!? When I told him to socialize more with the ladies, this is not what I had in mind!!

“Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Really? REALLY?

“No way in HELL can you recover this situation with one of Dad’s lame-ass comebacks!” Chide scoffed at his feeble attempt to take back the argument.

“Continuing the metaphor," Argos ignored Chide's last comment, "I for one am gambling on the contents being way more interesting than the cover. It won’t be that bad, I’m sure of it!” he finished with a confidence this situation did NOT deserve.

“Yeah, right…” Chide didn’t bother to say any more. Argos freaking KNEW he was right. They arrived at the dining hall and, after grabbing food, picked a booth near the wall so Argos could plug in his laptop.

“Grades up yet?” Chide asked with an increased feeling of dread, sitting across from Argos as he logged on. This time the negativity had less to do with the psycho sisters, and more to do with the impending doom of an F.

“Yup,” He replied, “Believe me, you don’t want to know your grade.”

“Shiiiiiit,” Chide buried his head in his arms. Why’d he leave home and enroll in this school again? Because I am a disillusioned nincompoop. That’s why.

“Awe, poor baby,” Another tray clattered onto the table and Gail, having just materialized out of nowhere, plopped down next to Chide, her sister seated herself next to Argos. SHIT. Now I’m boxed in, I should have sat next to Argos not in front…what the HELL? Is she SMILING at me? Chide fretted, getting the chills. And fricking Raze over there looked down right amused. This was it. He was finished. Good bye cruel world, they’re going to murder me.

“Mind if I check our grades?” Gail asked, cutting through Chide's fretting, nodding at Argos’s computer.

“Sure,” he passed the computer over. After a few minutes she looked as gloomy as Chide felt. Holy crap, little miss stoic showing emotions? It’s a damn Christmas miracle. She chose that precise moment to shoot Chide another creepy ass smile- oh shit she can’t fucking READ MINDS OR SOME SHIT RIGHT?

“Well, did either of you fuck up as much as me?” She asked shorty. Raze had nothing to comment, just dug into her heavily laden tray.

Argos chuckled. “Weapons are all alike, huh?” He indicated my own over loaded tray. Christ, stop drawing attention to me, will you? HAVE PITY ON YOUR BROTHER DAMN IT. Argos shot Chide one of his ‘don’t fuck this up’ looks. Great, so do they teach meisters how to read minds too or something? This shit was getting freaky…and damn near conspiratorial. The silence was nearing awkward levels, so Chide figured that was his cue to speak. Great. Fabulous. Just one more nail in my damn coffin won’t hurt I suppose.

“Of course, you brainiacs have it easily, just sitting around thinking all day,” he mumbled feebly.

“Daps mwha ah smed,” came the unintelligible gabble from Raze around her stuffed mouth.

“That’s what she said,” Gail translated.

Chide snorted. Gail kicked him under the table. Perfect now my leg is broken. THERE TRULY IS NO ESCAPE!

Argos’s mental sigh was practically audible. Chide could tell that every moment wasted on subjects not pertaining to his game plan was an agonizing trial of patience for his dear brother. “Well, let’s get to it, shall we?”

“Yeah, let’s,” Gail said, clasping her hands in front of her and glaring at Argos intensely, “The only reason I decided to come here tonight was to knock you down a notch. We know what this is all about.”

“You think we’re idiots, smarty pants?” Raze said, having swallowed her food, a manic gleam settling over her eyes, “We see you suddenly cuddling up to everyone in class, all fake smiles and pretty words. I wonder what would happen if someone peeled off that candy coated skin of yours and took a look inside. Is the real you so nice and pretty?” God damn, her smile was unnerving!

“My sister makes a fine point,” Gail fixed Raze with an oddly pointed look, “You have this whole match making game pretty much mapped out, don’t you? A nice mental chart of damn near every one, their strengths, their weaknesses, what traits appeal to you, and which ones repeal you. You think this shit’s going to be easy pickings, am I right? Because, when it all comes down to it, humans are painfully simple things. Once you have everyone figured out, unraveled every mystery and secret they hold, you’ll pick your top two, and pair both you and good old Chide here,” she patted his shoulder, creating a few audible thumps, “With the most compatible and profitable matches. Some admirable tactics really, if I had half your motivation, weren’t so busy, and actually gave a shit about any of you fucks, I might have done something similar myself. Too bad that’s not why I’m playing this game.” Argos was totally aghast. If he weren't so disturbed, and didn't suspect that his shoulder was now dislocated or broken entirely, Chide would have been impressed.

Gail rose from her seat, “Well, hasn’t this been informative. Sorry to say, your two ‘mysterious girls’ would prefer to stay that way, thanks. See you around, losers. Let’s go Raze.” And with that they left, and joined a table of three other girls, leaving Chide feeling rather like They’d just had dinner with a raging whirlwind rather that two normal girls.

“Well that went well!” Chide said, happy to be free of them, “That Gail really has no filter huh? And Raze sound like she writes horror movie scripts…”

Argos still looked a little shell shocked, “Fine,” he huffed, trying to retain some shred of his pride, “I was beginning to suspect they weren't worth our time anyways. Actually, I've calculated a few classmates already that we can stop bothering with…”

And there he goes, trying to sound like he was over something that he totally wasn't. We a sinking feeling, Chide realized his brother wasn’t just going to let this go
