The weapons stared out at the misters from the other side of the field, wondering why they were coming toward their field. Raze easily spotted her sister; Chide waved enthusiastically to Argos. Raze looked at him from the corner of her eye and almost gagged. He looked like a stupid puppy.

"it's time!" The professor shouted to both parties as the misters approached, "To to partner training." The blond woman seemed a little too jittery to be a teacher, it kind of freaked Raze out. This was the first time she'd seen the woman. She probably wasn't even certified. "Oh, that's a lower case p people, partner with a little p not the bolded italicized all caps shit you might have been thinking." Raze let out a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding. "The goal of today's lesson is to get familiar with all you're classmates. Meisters need to learn from weapons and likewise, weapons need to learn from meisters. I suggest low level attempted," she paused for air quotes, 'partnering' between a meister and a weapon. Try to meet new people, ok? I'll be observing, while Sid times you're ten minute spars. ANy style of fighting is acceptable, partial transformations, complete transformations, hand to hand, one on one, two on two - really its what ever you want." She paused, checked her notes, and then looked up again. "Oh, and most importantly, do not, under any circumstance, attempt a resonance. Understood?" A chorus of yes ma'am's met the last statement.

Immediately partnerships were forming as misters and weapons mingled. Sid was giving them time, Argos thought, to find someone they wanted to get to know more. His eyes were locked on Raze Harlow. All of the other weapons were good choices as well, but they were all so safe - he knew their stats, what they could do, he'd monitored their wavelength - everything. But Raze…nothing.

She caught him staring and gave him the finger. He smirked which she visibly did not understand she turned away and began talking to some asian chick and a girl with blue hair from the other meister class. Argos watched as Raze shook hands with the blue haired girl, but she still looked disgruntled - she slouched and kicked at the ground like an ornery bull or a temperamental child, he couldn't tell which.

"Stop sizing up my sister, Douche Bag."


Argos audibly groaned. "Can you get off my back, for like five minutes. Please? I'm just trying to find someone to fight. No big deal."

"Then fight me, huh?"

Argos stiffened and prepared to knock the shit out of her - he had no restraints about hitting a girl especially not this one. "Why don't you take it down a notch, Harlow. Nobody here cares about your weird problems, you're making a scene. Look, your sister found someone to fight so why are you still bothering me?"

Hey Argos!" Someone called. "Let's team up for today!"

Without another word to gail, he turned an headed toward a guy named Helix. Gail was fuming when she felt a tap on her shoulder. Raze was alone again and for the second time that night she cried into her palms on a little kid's swing set.

"What was that?" Chide said. "Some half hearted attempt to stike up a conversation? I mean if it was, you're going about it all wrong." Gail whirled around, pulling her arm back along the way and punched him square in the jaw just as sid shouted "BEGIN."

"Holy shit!" He screamed in anger, spitting into the grass and wiping blood from his lip. "What the hell is your problem?" For a second, Gail thought he looked hurt, like genuinely upset about the punch. Then his eyes hardened again.

"You and your royal dick of a brother!" Gail screamed back at him.

Meanwhile, Raze and Saillie we across the field, oblivious to Gail's tantrum. Jenn and her friend Vezzer stood nearby, defensive. Raze had transformed and Sai was wielding. It wasn't awful but it definitely wasn't the best. The connection was shaky at best. With Vezzer wielding Jenn, though, there wasn't much time to dwell on the mismatched wavelengths.

For the most part, the spar was efficient. Each team landed a few good blows and had OK form. There was definitely room for improvement, but it was as bad as Vivian and Rhizic pretended they were ninja's fifty yards away. But Raze didn't realize the slight disharmony in her soul's communication with Sai's. Of course she hadn't, she wasn't the meister. She really had no way to sense it. Of course, she was starting to feel the pain of the blows more than usual. ANd felt the strain of Sai's muscles working to keep a grip on her weapon form. Something was obviously up.

Their souls were fit together like puzzle pieces that were just not meant to go together. There were small spaces and cracks, and in those crevices, Raze's soul pushed on Saillie's out of balance and clawing for dominance. She wanted to take charge. She wanted Sai to know what to do like Gail always did. She wanted to control the flow of this battle. Raze's soul beat down Sai's in a rhythm that amplified it's wavelength strength. Gradually, Raze's soul started to envelope Saillie's.

Sai was breathing hard now and Jenn transformed again, human. She ran to Sai and her quad-mate and asked a series of calm questions. "Sai, are you ok? Can you handle this? Is it too much?" Sai was shaking her head. She couldn't get words out to answer her friend. She couldn't drop Raze though. The metal in her hand's began to burn and she groaned, stumbling forward. Jenn caught herald grabbed on to the handle of Raze's weapon form. She felt intense heat, her palm was burning but still she held on, pulling the weapon free from Saillie's hands.

Raze couldn't comprehend what was going on. She could hear Saillie crying somewhere, but she didn't know why. She knew the fight was over, but she didn't remember anyone winning. She was scared and detached.

"Gail!" She screamed. She wanted her sister, she needed the comfort and the reassurance that this wasn't her fault. This couldn't be her fault, she never meant to actually hurt somebody, not like this. What had she done? She didn't even know. "Gail!"

She was human again when somebody grabbed her hand and yanked her to her feet. She felt like a limp noodle, though and slammed into the support of the body. Around her, people were gasping and whispering. She heard a teacher's voice telling people to back up and to "give them space" whoever them was. And then she heard her sister.

"Raze!" The voice was hurtling closer and Raze saw a blurred shape sprinting from across the sparring field. Her sister was right there. grabbing her away from who ever helped her up and screaming for him to get the hell of of her. Raze looked back, stilly foggy and saw Argos Wellington backing away quietly, looking solemn.

"What the hell is going on?" She demanded, shaking.

"You fucked up, Raze, no I fucked up, I'm sorry…" Gail said.