Waahhh first week of school just passed. And GAH I'm already SO SO SO SO SO swamped with homework!!! I'm doing the full IB program, which is basically like AAALLLL AP classes. Plus volleyball practice (two hours) or, if no practice, GAMES (which are like 5 hours!!) every weekday, I've been staying up till like 3am finishing homework and studying and we have a test every friday in history and a quiz every week in math and tons of really hard crap in English and lajdliejriejir!!! I am sooo tired.
Last night our volleyball team had a team sleepover, which was really fun, but I had to leave early this morning to get here to do homework, groom my dog, take a shower, take him to the vet this afternoon, go to the award ceremony for the scholarship thing I won (still have to write that 2min speech...*shifty eyes*), and tomorrow is my birthday party.
Then I have research to do for IB/AP art, TONS of notes to take for IB/AP history, calc homework, baking stuff to give to my team on my birthday (it's really Monday, and we have a game AND it's my coach's birthday too so I really wanted to bring cookies or something for them).
ANYWAYS. New fanart. Go see. =]
Luvs and hugs,
So. If you guys didn't read my last post...I was unsure if school was going to start. It was scheduled to start the 2nd, buuuuut...
Our teachers are on strike.
So this whole first week of "school," we have no school! XD lol It's been pretty nice and relaxing, but now we're probably getting our mid-winter break taken off. =[ Oh well...at least it's not going into our summer and plus we'll be prepared to take our AP/IB tests when they come.
Speaking of which............lkasjfliejriI AM SCARED. I'm taking the full IB program, which is basically like aaalll AP classes. Gaaahhh I'm gonna diiiieee.
Well anywho...Volleyball's been good (got on JV =] ) aaand nothing else.
Well g2g now, and please check out my new fanart if you haven't already! It's of Naruto and Hinata, and it's a VERY pretty lineart that I colored. CLICK!
Luvs and hugs,
Wwwwhhheeeeee I made JV on my school volleyball team! =3 I'm glad about it, but also kind of disappointed that I didn't make varsity and this one other girl did...She's a FRESHMAN and pretty much with the same skill level as me. We are going to SUCK this year because we have only 3 seniors, 5 juniors (that's me), and about 10-13 sophomores. Everyone else is a freshman. .____. Uuugghhh.
I'm still not done with my summer reading packet. And school starts the 2nd. BUT there might be a teacher strike! OMG I am sooo hoping there will be so that I can get this done on time...XD
Anyways, it's been cool now that I've been back. I got together with an old friend of mine and got to see others at our school orientation (which is just getting our schedules, bus passes, lunch accounts...etc.). We went to the mall and found a new store there! It was very cool - there were Dr. Seuss T-shirts!!! Waaaahhh I want one!! I loooooove Dr. Seuss. =D lol
New fanart! Please go take a look! Thanks, guys!
Luvs and hugs,
I've actually been back for like a week now but w/e.
akldsjfde. I had two connecting flights, and both of them got delayed - the first by SEVEN hours, and the second by two hours. When I called to tell my mom she started getting really angry at me for not complaining. =S Seriously, what could they do even if I complained? She called them though and I got to go first class on my last flight. lol
All in all Taiwan was a very fun trip. I finally got to meet my newest cousin, and I got to see all the rest of my family. That was really the best part.
School's coming up fast, and I already have a ton of stuff to prepare. I can alread tell junior year is going to be a blast. *DEATHGLARES at summer reading packet*
Anyways, tryouts for my school volleyball team started on Monday. We have so many girls this year, they're actually going to have to cut like 10 of them! D= I think I'm okay though. I hope. *crosses fingers* I need to make JV at least, since I'm a junior. .____.
Luvs and hugs,
PS - OH and new art! Please go take a look! ONE and TWO
*rises from the dead*
Holy shitake mushrooms. I have been gone for...how long now? X___X Just finished checking up on everyone's sites...
I've been in Taiwan for almost five weeks now, and I'm leaving next Saturday. =( My summer's almost ooveerrrr.....I took a month-long Chinese class in July, which was very annoying cuz the teacher didn't know how to speak clearly, didn't know how to control the class, and my classmates were all 10-13-year-olds who either 1) would never talk to you, or 2) thought it was "cool" to swear, laugh at people, and talk about sex literally 24/7. -____- Sooo irritating. At least the girl who sat next to me was only a year younger than me and kind of nice. But it's over now, thank goodness...
Now I'm in a java computer programming class that my mom made me take. IT MAKES ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE TO ME WHATSOEVER. I even looked at the English tutorials and everything but still don't get it. And to think my mom has a PhD in computer science...To me, it makes no sense at all. I'm totally gonna fail this class...TT_TT
Taiwan hasn't been all bad though. I was able to get together with some old friends from last time I came here, as well as other friends who came back to Taiwan during summer vacation also. I got to see all of my family here and hang out with all of them all the time. =)
PLUS since everything is SUPER cheap here, I'm buying thing like crazy. My mom's already given me a big list of things to bring back to the US. Other than that I've gotten shirts and shorts for US$5 each, long pants, necklaces, rings, earrings, books, and TOONNNSS of little cute stationary stuff to give as gifts back home. Among my weekly allowance and English and Spanish tutoring (my mom's friend's kids - one wants to practice English and the other wants to learn Spanish), I'll have probably received US$700, but I'm going back home with only like $200 to spare cuz I keep buying things and going out to eat (which is actually SUPER cheap here compared to the US). Oops. .____.
Hope everyone is having a great summer also!!!
Luvs and hugs,