Oh my goodness.
I disappeared for an entire month from this site. Oops. I'll have to check up on everyone once I'm done posting here... X__x
I guess not much has happened though, so there's nothing really to report. End of the school year is coming up FINALLY, and people have started worrying about finals....GRR. Plus my mom's making me apply to this one scholarship or something that's not even for college...The due date is this Friday, and I've only JUST finished all the forms and crap...Uuuurrrgghh. I was supposed to write a letter of recommendation for a Chinese library I volunteer at...or rather, they were supposed to write it for me but they just told me to write it and they'd sign it. XD But yeah. I let my mom take a look at it this morning RIGHT when I was about to go out to volunteer for them again. She yelled at me for giving it to her last-minute and how much it sucked. X_X Then I tried calling them to let them know I'd get there late but no one picked up, so I guess they're closed for Memorial Day weekend...And my mom yelled at me about not clarifying that last week and how I never get things straight. Ooops.
But at least there's no school tomorrow!! haha
Okay well I can't think of anything else to write about so I'm off to check up on you guys~!
Luvs and hugs,
PS - Oh my gosh they fused myO into Worlds. D=