
Wwwwhhheeeeee I made JV on my school volleyball team! =3 I'm glad about it, but also kind of disappointed that I didn't make varsity and this one other girl did...She's a FRESHMAN and pretty much with the same skill level as me. We are going to SUCK this year because we have only 3 seniors, 5 juniors (that's me), and about 10-13 sophomores. Everyone else is a freshman. .____. Uuugghhh.

I'm still not done with my summer reading packet. And school starts the 2nd. BUT there might be a teacher strike! OMG I am sooo hoping there will be so that I can get this done on time...XD

Anyways, it's been cool now that I've been back. I got together with an old friend of mine and got to see others at our school orientation (which is just getting our schedules, bus passes, lunch accounts...etc.). We went to the mall and found a new store there! It was very cool - there were Dr. Seuss T-shirts!!! Waaaahhh I want one!! I loooooove Dr. Seuss. =D lol

New fanart! Please go take a look! Thanks, guys!

Luvs and hugs,
