Waahhh first week of school just passed. And GAH I'm already SO SO SO SO SO swamped with homework!!! I'm doing the full IB program, which is basically like AAALLLL AP classes. Plus volleyball practice (two hours) or, if no practice, GAMES (which are like 5 hours!!) every weekday, I've been staying up till like 3am finishing homework and studying and we have a test every friday in history and a quiz every week in math and tons of really hard crap in English and lajdliejriejir!!! I am sooo tired.
Last night our volleyball team had a team sleepover, which was really fun, but I had to leave early this morning to get here to do homework, groom my dog, take a shower, take him to the vet this afternoon, go to the award ceremony for the scholarship thing I won (still have to write that 2min speech...*shifty eyes*), and tomorrow is my birthday party.
Then I have research to do for IB/AP art, TONS of notes to take for IB/AP history, calc homework, baking stuff to give to my team on my birthday (it's really Monday, and we have a game AND it's my coach's birthday too so I really wanted to bring cookies or something for them).
ANYWAYS. New fanart. Go see. =]
Luvs and hugs,