Ger! Swee, swee! Ger!

I sound like a Pokemon. XD

Anyways. Hung out with the German guy again on Tuesday. XD It's nice cuz he seems to be opening up to me more now, so we're generally enjoying each other's company more. =) And we took silly photos with Photobooth at the Mac store (oh how I love that program =D ), and I took the liberty of posting them on Facebook. >D Then one of my friends who is convinced that he likes me no matter what I tell her posted a comment on one of the photos saying, "You two are just too cute!" only in Chinese so that he couldn't understand it. Then over IM he asks me what it meant. Dx lol I just told him that I couldn't tell him...Should've just lied and said that it meant "nice picture" or something. XD

Anywho. I was SO looking forward to life drawing on Wednesday night since I have break this week and usually have to miss it for driver's ed. (GOD I can't wait till I finish that! URGH it's taking up ALL of my time, and most of it's just common sense anyways! I mean, follow the signs? Well yeah, I know THAT!). But then it got canceled this time because the person who organizes it had to go to the vet for a puppy emergency. =(

Anyways. If you didn't catch my last post, please see my new artwork. Thank you!

A (nice) picture of us...
