yes -sigh-
im having just one of those days
not really sure why though
everything is okay i guess
and i feel better, like i dont feel like crappy and stuff
but there went my excuse for the party i am supposed to be at...
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yes ew is now an adjective that describes the one called Riska.
to cut to the chase, i have the flu...again. yeah i had it like 2 1/2 months ago, and now i have it again. obviously not the same type, but all of the symptoms are the same- but i now ALSO have a headache and my throat really really hurts. hell... i probably have the H1N1 virus >.> no wait, with my mad skills i probably found a way to get the H3N8 virus xDD ( for those of you that dont know what that is, its basically a flu virus that only affects dogs lol) i dont feel like checking my spelling. or using the delete button. ew. im like so tiredyet when i try to sleep, i cant. plus my 'mom' keeps yelling at me in the morning because i wont get up for school Dx since Sunday i havent done like anything. the only reasons i actually get up is to go potty(yes i still say potty :P sue me), get tylenol, get something to drink, or to get milk for the foster kittens. you would think that since i dont feel good that my mom would take care of them for a few days, or at least at night time, but no. she refuses. Dx what a whore. oh and just now shes complaining cause i dont want to eat some steak hat she is cooking on the grill outside. and here's the thing 1- im a vegetarian, and i have been since 7th grade(im now in 11th) 2-i dont want to eat anythink cause i will throw up easy as that 3- i asked for Tomato soup like at noon, and right now its 5:30pm 4) she is effing crazy! its raining outside!! sheesh xDD
as for the kittens, they have to be bottle fed every 6 hours, and that means tha i have to get the kitty milk out of the fridge, heat it up, feed each one, and then wash up what ever they spit up, then burp them after.... have you ever bottle fed a baby? well this my friends is alot harder... and there are 4 kittes, there were 7 but one was still-born, and the other two died with in 2 weeks of being born. poor kitties.
my friend Kat is bitching me out on Facebook because i havent answered her e-mails... i havent been on FB since Monday cause the internet went down (cause of the weather). she is now telling me that on Saturday i have to go to her party for Halloween. >.< i wanted to go trick-or-treating with my little sister xDD its fun! and Friday i now have to go to my other friends b-day party, which she rented out this huge building, and she brought in 4 TV's from her house, and she is going to connect Rockband, Guitar Hero, and DDR to them xDD and then im supposed to let her borrow my Karaoke machine xDD oh dear that sounds like fun xDD i just hope i feel better by then! :D
another one of my friend- that has an account on here- keeps bothering me about RP, and honestly i dont like roleplaying with her, because she plays 'god' and anyone that has ever RP-ed before knows how annoying that is. and ive told her to stop! and i tried to play god right back, but she just doesnt get it. so now im just ignoring her oh well what ever. but i still like to LARP with her xDD (live action roleplaying) because she cant play god then xDD its just fun and stuff.
speaking of LARP, a few of my adorkable friends are making a show about Kingdom Hearts, and they asked me to be Zexion >.> cause apparently im the most emo out of the group xD plus im always reading anyway, and im like the only ne out of the group that actually makes their own wigs xDD yeah i love to cut and style them x3 it takes a while cause im a perfectionist, but its fun and keeps me occupied :D
lol the people that i go to Conventions with all think that i buy my wigs at an Ebay store or something xDD but i dont, usually i just buy a wig from one of the wig shops in my town, and then cut, and style it. and sometimes i also have to dye it. but i try to stay away from doing that lol cause wigs are weirder to dye. i mean you dont want to dye the skin coloured part near the roots xD
eh... i think that im done ranting for a while
and now im going to make my own damn tomato soup >.>
lol i love this picture, even though i didnt get it at first xDDD
idk... i was thinking about my art for some reason (yes im calling my inadequate doodles art lol)
and before i post something im always faced with a dilemma...
should i a) leave it as a pencil sketch with all of the shading and stuff that i do, b) have the inked sketch with out the pencil shading, c) inked picture with shading, or d) just ink it with gimp and leave it as a lineart.
so just now i thought of something :D
im not going to post the sketches as one picture, then the linearts as another because that would be a waste and everyone would just stop looking at my art xDD
instead im just going to post the pictures as the normal sketches that i do, and if someone really wants me to ink it over with gimp and make a clean lineart, then just ask :D and ill defiantly do it and probably have it done by the next day at the latest xDD (cause i have like no life after school starts >.>) so yeah... just leave a comment if you like this idea, and for any of my future pictures that you would like inked on Gimp by me, whether you would like to colour it, or just see a cleaner version, then just leave a comment on the picture, or send me a quick PM with the name of the picture :D
now if you want me to ink a picture that i've already submitted you can just do the same :D
and the picture of Light Yagami from Death Note im going to be re-doing, because that one i just failed miserably xDDD
so yeah...
:3 thats it i think...
thanks for the support
this is a picture that i already inked^^
i know its not perfect, but i just recently learned how to do it...and with every picture i ink, i learn a few new tricks :D
so please bare with me <3 ^^
ps- i like taking requests, but if i really dont like the character, or if i havent seen the anime or even heard of it, remember i have the right to say that i would really rather not. but usually i do know what you're talking about and i dont really dislike many characters..xDD so just ask if you do so wish, and if i decline please dont be to mad with me. actually your best bet would be to request a few different ideas, and most likely i will like at least one of them xDDD
pss- im now off to make my first challenge :D
so at the moment im in class ^^ and im supposed to be ding some " TR and National Parks" assignment/project that we were assigned xDD but its like really boring and i dont feel like it :D i wonder if anyone is actually on right now... lol my friend Dylan says hi, lol he's a dork just ignore him OH and now hes talking about some type of pirate ninja dont ask meee, damn just remembered, i need to finish DixieWings' challenge.... lol i dont remem- YES I DO!! xDD its the 'draw your favorite character' thing. omg...Dylan is complaining that he doesnt know what his account name should be D: ima tell him to shush brb
kay im back. lol~ my teacher is looking at me funnah atm xDDD
ew... US History I sucks D: its all boring and shizzz lol hmmm what else to write~
right well Dylan just made an account, and he wants me to make a shout-out thing- his name is SonicFoxStrk lol i said he was a dork, oh well- i think you guys should go subscribe to him now cause I LOVE YOUUU~ xDD <3333 hm... OMG IM GONNA SUBMIT SOME PHOTOSHOP CRAP I DID LAST YEAR!!! xDDD yeah.. so subcribe to him if you love me :D lol jk you dont have to D: but it would make me happy lol
and later i'll post the link on here, but atm he still has to verify it
which he cant do on the school lab tops just wow. well Michelle and Bryan said hi too lol, but they dont really like anime. OMG I KNOW RIGHT!!! lol so i gtg now, but dont worry lol ill be back when i get home from school xDD
okay is this a boy or a girl?
i bet you thought girl right?'re wrong xDD
his name is Jeffree Star and he is a singer :3
<3 him x3