January FYEcon - Casual!Zatsune
U-con@Uconn 2011 - Miku Zatsune from Vocaloid, Luki from Dogs, Sync!Rin from Vocaloid.
April FYEcon - Matryoshka!Teto
Anime Boston 2011 - Zatsune from Vocaloid, Matryoshka!Teto, Trap!Ciel from Kuroshitsuji, Panda Hero!Miku, Ball Gown!Miku, Youji from Loveless
Connecticon 2011 - Luki from Dogs(remaking the hat and tail),SURPRISE COSPLAY <3, Youji from Loveless (will have a new wig)
May Cosplay Picnic- School Girl!Ciel
AAC 2011- SECRET COSPLAY AGAIN. Not sure of what else

Stalk- I mean... Follow me?




amazing mood today!!!
my friend Amber is over <3
and I havent seen her in foreverrrr
AND AND AND my buddies on this other site finally started another rp thing... x3
which is amazing~
i think... i might... just go get into my Matt cosplay and go to the mall xDD
yeah.. sounds funn :D
ON YEAH you dont know this yet... but Amber, yeah Amber? well she is Mello xDD
Has the leather and everything xDD
she wouldnt go make her own vest.. so i had to xD
meaning it's a little too short.. and tight on her xDD
but she's really skinny and looks sexxahhhh
xDD she just read what i typed and threw.... a freaking ipod at me xDDD
"I wont miss next time D<"
you know what? Im keeping this now xD
"idiot -eyeroll-"
<3 love you too lol

I went outside with my dog earlier... and we rolled around in the snow like 5 year olds xDD
then my brother came home with like 6 friends and i was like O////O shiiiittttt
they laughed... i turned brother red... the usual.. Dx

lol i just thought of something... Amber = Mello
Mello = lots of leather xDD
and the feathery jacket isnt really that warm xDDD
she's gonna freezeeeee
ily Amby <3
so.. too the mall

lots of snow = no school = i just woke up at like 2:30 xDDD

xDDD yayyy!!
hyper today xD and really happy
happier then i have been lately...

oh ew... i need to go put my wig on... ew Dx

so again... a recap if you will
1- cosplays
2- mall
3- larping at said mall
4- go home and make brownies^^ (just added xD)
5- eat brownies....
well you get it

i swear that guest post i did a while ago... used up all of my brain cells xDD


Death Note chara? MATTIE :D

Which Death Note character are you?

(stolen from DeviantArt :D)

[ ] You have a big aim in life
[psh hellz yeah] You hate to lose
[they do D:] You feel that your eyes change colors with your behavior
[mmm heh heh] You are obsessed.
[ ] Your intelligence is superior in comparison with another person’s.
[ ] You don’t mind hurting others as long it helps you to get to your aims.
[ ] You have talent to seduce the opposite gender.
Total: 3

[om nom nom] You love candy.
[ ] You don’t care about how you look.
[x] You walk/sit curved.
[ ] You are a genius.
[ ] You have dark circles around your eyes.
[ ] You are very thin no matter what you eat.
[yay failing^^] You don’t have many friends and you are a total failure at love.
Total: 3

[ ] You love someone blindly.
[ ] You would do everything for that ‘someone’.
[hehe] You dress in a very peculiar way.
[ ] You can’t tell when people are joking around with you.
[probably not lol ] You can’t handle alcohol very well.
[ ] You are very jealous.
[ ] You can make people do what they don’t want to do.
Total: 2

[ ] You love chocolate.
[(I'm wayy too feminine looking >.>" ] You were confused at least for once with the opposite gender.
[ ] You always dress dark and tight clothes.
[all the freaking time >.<] You are always second.
[have one on my hand lol] You have a burn/scar on your face.
[-sigh- ...constantly] You are very intelligent, but sometimes you make mistakes.
[more than a little...] Near creeps you out a little bit.
Total: 4

[yus'sir :]] You are always playing video games.
[well im not addicted anymore, but i still do for cosplay^^] You smoke.
[omg lol yeahh] You wear stripy shirts.
[which i prove daily...] You would do anything for your friends.
[lol which Amber loves poking fun at xD] You use glasses that look like goggles.
[9/10 of the time lol] You are always relaxed.
[i really love all of my close friends <3] You are very affectionate to your best friend.
Total: 7!! :D yeahh

[ ] You are patient to the limit.
[ ] You always win.
[LOL sadly xD] You have Peter Pan syndrome.
[wearing them now...dont judge me lol] You love to wear pajamas.
[so my stupid teachers tell me constantly >.>"] You are very intelligent.
[sexual meaning? ;D] You have a lot of ability using your hands.
[again...dont judge me :P] Your hair is of a weird color and very uncontrollable.
Total: 4...>.< DAMN YOU NEAR D<

[ ] You believe in a god.
[ ] You search for justice everywhere.
[:P mm] You use glasses.
[ ] You are/want to be a lawyer.
[ ] You don’t care about following orders as long as it’s for justice’s sake.
[ ] You support Kira unconditionally.
[ ] All your life is perfectly planned.
Total: 1 that shouldnt count...

[APPLESSSSSS] You love apples.
[all the time :P] You are bored.
[ ] You think that humans are… INTERESTING!.
[i think i do.. but i dont hyuk..] You laugh in a weird way… Hyuk, hyuk, hyuk…
[ ] You don’t let your feelings lead you.
[ ] When there’s an argument, you never take one of the sides.
[win? i think so.] You are a little bit crazy and weird.
Total: 4

[mah friends :D] Some people think that you are an idiot.
[try to :D] You always see someone’s good side.
[ ] You know someone who is an example for you.
[yeah... just insane^^] You don’t think Kira is either good or evil.
[lol ;D Amby <3 the thing, remember? yeah you know what im talking about xDD] You talk about a love life that you don’t have.
[:P yay for stupidity!] You do stupid things that sometimes are good to the ones around you.
[ ] You are pretty, but old.
Total: 5

completely Matt xDDD <3 yay!! oh..and a little Matsuda xD im so weird..

hmm... i sensed double meaning for many of these xDD

Peter Pan it's like it knows me xDD

"Peter Pan syndrome is a pop-psychology term used to describe an adult who is socially immature. The term has been used informally by both laypeople and some psychology professionals in popular psychology since the 1983 publication of The Peter Pan Syndrome: Men Who Have Never Grown Up, by Dr. Dan Kiley." VIA WIKIPEDIA!!!

aka meeeee :D


I'm an in okay mood... kinda 'meh' today...
but i'm fixing up my Matt cosplay^^ and making a new jacket^^
the other one looks really weird xDD
and then I'm going to be working on a self portrait Dx OF JUST MY FACE THOUGH Dx
because I have to draw to kind of hair I want... damn teachers >.>
stupidest assignment like ever >.>"
I think I'll just stick with something short and easy xDD


ps- I'm still an idiot, who is really really sorry >.<

how freaking adorable!!! xDDD
I would totally do this if i ever had kids xDDDDD

i love[hate] people who....

i hate people who...
- judge others just by their first impression
- are homophobic
- hate others for hating them (im i a hypocrite or what?)
- hypocrites (yes i include myself, this i know)
- vie for attention by calling themselves ugly or something WHEN THEY ARE NOT!!!
--- and then those same people deny it when you call them pretty or something
- are good at things without trying and rub it in other peoples face >.>
- get everything they want ALL THE TIME
- are close-minded
- say that they understand when they cant possibly....
- think 'emo' is all about cutting ...danm idiots
- are stupid-- this isnt just intelligence wise, or anything like's just 'those people' >.<
- piss me off...'because it's fun'
- bully others for their own personal gain
- suck up to others...damn them
- are two-faced
- talk about you behind your back, then act like your bestie to your face!!!
- think they are better than you
- judge you by your parents or family (siblings ect...)
- talk shit about my friends....
- gang up with a bunch of people when confronting a problem
- think they are worthless when they have so much going for them....
- tell me who i can or can't be
- tell me how i can or cant act
- tell me who i may be friends with
- crush other peoples dreams, JUST BECAUSE they couldn't fulfill their own
- think they are smarter JUST BECAUSE they are older!
- think they are 'god sent'
----^ with exceptions xD
- dont accept me, JUST because of who i am (actually i really just dont care about these people... they can f*** off)
- are posers LOL FACE <3 love you Levs


that's alot of hate for a post...too much if you ask me lol
sorry...i've just been under alot of pressure lately- from school, looking for a job, from 'so-called friends' and especially family....
i cant wait until i graduate and can move out...
just 2 more years...
and im moving out from the east coast, to the west coast <3
never too see these horrible people again....
and free to be whoever i want, without all of this pressure...
free to be happy again <3
now for a happier topic <3
i LOVE..
- GAY BOYS!!!! (sorry, im kinda prejudice... but it's true... and you wouldnt understand my reasons...)
ahem...lets start again
I love people who...
- get to know others before judging
- are cosplayers (you get +30 cool points just for that xDD)
- are smart AND blonde (naturally of course lol)
- are posh <3 oh goodness yes...
- have accents
- aren't afraid to be who they are
- speak their mind
- believe in dreams
- actually care when they ask 'what's wrong?' (not just saying it to be polite)
- care about the environment (shelly <33)
- dont care about what other people like (who dont hate the person just for liking something..)
- can talk about nothing for hours on end... <33
- love people
- are happy (i envy them actually)
- love to make others happy
- randomly talk to you at conventions xDD
- love the same things as me xD
- dont call me " Ronnie's little sister"
- are random (and proud lol)
- laugh funny xD
- think unicorns ate all of the damned Twi-fairies >D (inside joke...)
- get flustered easily
- make me smile on my worst days
- are proud of what they like


thats all i can think of right now xDDD

OH guess what?
i got these fake nails... with black french-tips
and they have sheleanimals, hearts, skulls, roses, butterflies, random swirly things, and stars on them
i fell in love with them <3
but i hate typing now Dx
and texting is a bitch really annoying...

well thats it xD


ps- my brother can say my dogs name, but my 'mom' cant xDD
his name is Kyohei but my mom' calls him Kay-Lin
not sure why... and i've tried correcting her...but oh well...
i know she's counting down the days until i move out and bring my babies with me x3 (animals not real kids xDD)

pps- i still need a job X.X""

PPPS- XDDDD lol face... this is long and i wanted to a Px3S post xDD

Ew, sorry, FML, ect ect...

1- FML
for a couple reasons... A) my compy is down T^T so sorry for not being on alot...I've been using my brothers occasionally when he isnt home, and now i'm at a friends house Dx and B) because i hate my life >.< and school and so much right now.

2- I'm sorry about my compy being down... hopefully it will be back in a few days... a week tops >.<

3- People are really pissing me off. I;m not even joking here, they honestly are. Not exactly one person in particular, more of like a mass of people... which I'd rather not get into at the moment >.<

This is for me and someone (<3) who actually has an account on here, but I only creep on there xD 'said person' doesnt know i have one here.... or that i like anime actually xD
I have liked said person for a while now... and this video (for unknown reasons) kind of feels like it was made for us...not really sure why
I men sure I cosplay as Matt, and said person cosplays as Mello...but other than that im not sure...its confusing... anyway
I just wish said person would notice me like I do them... and not just as a friend or someone they go to school with...

i love this video...and it now means something to me

(ps- i have a stalker looking for me on here so if someone asks about me YOU SAW NOTHING!!! xDD)


EDIT i just remembered something i wanted to say...
remember when i was talking about the top 100 members or what ever?
number 89 to be exact xD
although the next time it gets updated I hope I go up some x3
i find this amazing news, and it actually DOES help my mood a little^^
so thank you all for being so supportive^^ and i really love you all <3

this be kewl ^^

lol seriously this is really cool
im not that fond of the beginning.. but but it gets REALLY AMAZING XDD
these people just got another subscriber xDD
watch it?
cool ^^
and tell me, how amazing was that?
from a scale of 1- EPIC PUDDING SAUSE!!!

thats it for now^^
or course more art is expected for tomorrow lol
now good night lol^^
