oh my, what an amazing weekend xD

guess who is # 69 on the leader boards?
I AM~!

I love you all so much <3
like... so.. so.. much x3

I drew a picture... like an hour ago...
and I'm gonna shade it in school tomorrow... so does anyone want it to be dedicated to them?
I'll be at my friend Nessas house after school, but i'll just use her scanner or something lol

so yeah # 69 on the mother sucking leader boards >D
I never in my wildest dream expected something like that x33

I'm getting yelled at for being on my brothers compy this late xD
(it's like 1:11am OMG COOL xDD)
okay... the time just changed to 1:12am
so sad...

happy early holidays to you all^^
and stay safe~!
I dont know about all of you.. but where I live, we got just over a foot of snow last night/this morning xD
it was amazing
and i fought with my brother... in the snow xD which was funnah cause i jumped in to a tree, and then onto the roof and from there went OVER the house, and onto my brothers truck xD
i dont think i ever felt so ninja xDD
he was just like , "whoa... okay.. you win... for now lol"

amazing day ^^


ps- comment if want the dedication I'll give it to the first person who leaves a comment that either makes me go "WTF?!?!?!?" or "xDDDDDDD"
so yeah... just make me O.e or laugh
not that hard xD

pps- i think this is the way im gonna get my hair cut... i know i keep changing my mind... but this is what im dead set on^^ (note im just changing the length of my hair like this.. not the colour...)
