Well I have a FORMSPRING account finally xDD
damn peer pressure got to me e.e" so I got one... yeah lol
ask me questions?
I'll love you forever <3
anything, seriously like at all xDDD
it would make me very happy :D
ohhhhhhh and btw T-T I'm really sorry for not uploading anything in like 3476532456 years.... or like posting... or writing any comments.. my life has gotten in the way lately >.>"" it sucks...
majorly >.>""
anyway.... I think someone should draw me a picture... lol :D
like legit
and my friend amber says hi <3
hmm.. now what to write >.>
well I'm making a chain with my friend... like now lol and it's for our cosplay group.. lol we do ALOT of fan-service xD chains are always fun ;D
but it would be awkward for a couple of teenage girls to go into a store together and but a chain like that e.e so we're making our own.. aka im making it and she's holding the metal cutter when im not using it...
it's gonna be a leash eventually.. we're almost done (after like 3 hours working on it e.e""")
U-con @ Uconn was fun... kinda miss it lol and there was a bunch of amazing people xDD like a BB who was EPIC
and a bunch of other DN people.. but the BB was my fav xDD
so that was good xD
next is Anime Boston 2010 which im really excited x3
it's gonna be fun xD and my Mello is finally done with his/her cosplay! my babyyyy!!! <3 shhhhh
I'm making her a cosplay xD just don't tell her <3
she's been wanting to do a Near cosplay, but we already have a Near, so I dyed/styled a wig, got the shirt, and did the cosplay. But it's not a normal Near cosplay. The shirt is girly, and she's wearing a white tutu xDD
and she doesnt know this, but i got a black, white, and pink tutu for my Matt cosplay, so on Friday of Anime Boston, we're gonna go as like cross-dressing Matt and Near xD
the outfits are actually pretty cute x3 although we still have to bind xD
girls cosplaying as men, wearing dresses... i swear.. i do alot of that e.e
Girl Ciel... Grell Sutcliff... Cross-dressing Matt... wth xDD
that song is stuck in my head.. for some unknown reason...
is anyone here going to Anime Boston in April?
Do you guys know anyone that's going?
ps- again im really sorry I havent been on that much D:
i miss you guys </3
like alot...
so ill be on more.. lol probably... im gonna also leave alot more comments on peoples art!
and commentary.. im not sure how... but if someone leaves a link to any peice of artwork of theirs(or someone else's lol) one either my guestbook, here, or just send me a PM with it.. i would love to comment on it :D and hug and stuff lol
UYYN* I ran out of things to sayyyy Dx
that sucks.. good for anyone still reading though xDD
I'll love you <3
forever <33333
and ever <33
I lol'd