Conventions, cosplays, and progress-
Anime Boston 2011:
Miku Zatsune - Vocaloid %100 (But I would really like a new wig)
Luki - Dogs: Bullets and Carnage - %80 (Need to make hat)
and I MAY bring the following-
Some type of Magnet. Probably Miku for the Ball
Trap!Ciel - Kuroshitsuji - %99 (I finally got around to making the choker, and I'm currently fixing the length issue.)
Connecticon 2011:
Matshryoka!Teto - Vocaloid - %10 (Only have the wig styled)
Taiko - Vocaloid - %0 (Just decided on this one last minute. May have to bump)
Doujinshi!Ciel - Kuroshitsuji - %10 (Doing this as a group for a friend)
FYEcons of 2011: (I don't know dates)
Youji - Loveless - %50 - (Need to start on shirt, ears, and tail. Of which I have the material for all of it.)
Sync!Rin - Vocaloid - %90 (Need yellow ribbon.)
Fem!Germany - Hetalia - %40 (Never seen the series. Only doing it because my friend wants a Germany for her South Italy lol)
Princess Ai - Princess Ai - %0 (I'm actually really looking forward to this, so I'll be wearing it as soon as it's finished to the first con I go to xD)
Fem!Tengu - Black Bird - %60
NYAF or AAC 2011: (Not sure which one I want to go to more)
Suiseiseki - Rozen Maiden - %10 (Only have wig)
Anarchy!Stocking - PSwG - %0 (Only doing this if some of the hype over the series dies down a bit...)
Things are subject to change.. but yeah xD
(I just updated my DA journal with this, so I thought I might as well post it here too xD)
~Riska <3
ps- When I finish a cosplay, would anyone be interested in me posting a picture here? If so maybe I'll make a cosplay world... and I can have guest posters and stuff....