Too... Much... Work... -dies-

Zero boy from Loveless
God I love him.. Although I think Natsuo's cosplay would be easier xD
I've been roped into cosplaying him for some lame local meetup my friend wants to go to... Normally I wouldn't go to these.. But uh yeah =////= This kid I've had a crush on for a while is going... shit I sound like such a girl...
anyway, he's going to be cosplaying Soubi -squee-
I'm going to try my best and get this done lol
The meetup is on the uhhhh... -looks- Well idk where my phone is xD (I swear I loose it AT LEAST 2 times a day...) I think it's like this Friday or Saturday coming up...
So far the only thing I have done is the wig xD I dyed it yesterday, and I cut it this morning. Right now it's drying from all of the Motions Sheen I put in it xD it's a long as hell straight wig. Gotta do something from it getting ruined

I have a black turtleneck shirt somewhere (need to finddd)
I actually need to go out and buy a pair of black jeans (Huh.. Can't believe I don't own any..)
I have the ears made out of yarn, all I have to do is dye them the right color and sew them onto the wig...
I have them material for the shirt/dress thing. I need to draw up the pattern and get started on that...
I've been working for almost 2 days straight on the tail T.T it's made out of wool and yarn. That's it. Basically you have to - measure, cut, tie, brush, brush, cut, brush brush brush, cut more, tie more, brush more, then use a hair straightener, brush more, condition the now 'fur' and finally sew it together... it's a very long and time consuming process...
Anyway. 2 days of work and I have 47 out of the 200 pieces of tail done T.T
Shoes are easy, I'll just either borrow a pair from someone, or buy something at the mall this week (this could be a good excuse to buy those blue converse I've been wanting xD)
Uhmm I think that's about it with the Youji cosplay...
Oh wait no. I'm also going to be making two pink stuffies. Anyone who has seen the anime/read the manga will know what I'm talking about. Natsuo and Youji carry around these creepy pink doll like things... I'm gonna make them
Enough procrastinating
Sleep times, then back to cosplay work in the morning

ps- I have a name for my dove baby
Her name is Lily :]

<3 Love you guys :]

