
I don't know whether to cry or break something
Fucking hate being a girl sometimes
Drama llama bullshit

I've been best friends with her since we were kids.
For 11 years. We were 6 when we met.
We hung out so much people thought we were sisters.
Best friends.
We planned how we would get married at the same time and how our kids would grow up just as close as we are.
And we would own houses next to each other
all of that stupid bullshit (Mind you we were younger)
When we got older we decided we would go to college together and then eventually I would become a teacher and her kids would be in my class every year blah blah blah
More ignorant bullshit

We never fought, always thought the same
We could have an entire conversation without even speaking
See some thing stupid and all we would have to do is look at each other
No words were needed
We just knew what the other was thinking
Always at my house or hers
Went on each others family vacations
I had two houses and two moms
Same for her.

I honestly thought we would be friends forever

Then something changed.
I'm 17 and she's 18.
Neither of us have ever had a boyfriend.
No big deal though, because it wasn't something we wanted until after college ect
So lately she's been ignoring my texts, and not calling me back
Which is weird
So when I finally talked to her about it, she gets all secretive and says I'm paranoid.
Um okay...
So I start hanging out with other friends on the weekends
Still talk to her all the time, but I also see my other friends
She gets jealous and says that I hate her and all of my time is spent on my other friends.
Um.. What?
So I tell her she's still my best friend, but whenever I ask her to hang out she's asleep.
Mind you she dropped out of school, so while I'm up at 5 everyday, she sleeps until 3-4 in the afternoon. That's too late for me. If I want to make plans, I'd like to start them off in the morning.
But that's just me.
So we started rp texting about a year and a half 2 years ago
It was about Death Note lol
After a while it got boring.
I suggested she pick another topic
she said no
I really didnt want to rp anymore.... But it seemed she's rather RP than actually talk to me.
Um.. Okay.
Finally she gets the picture that I don't want to rp Death Note any more.
I'm sorry, but DN got old. I'm not interested in it anymore.
That's when everything really started getting bad.
All she would talk about it how much xxx character missed xxx character blah blah
I would just ignore the comments or say something like "Must suck for them"
Meanwhile, I miss my best friend but WHATEVER

Slowly she's been talking to me less and less
But I don't think much of it.
The only time we would talk is when /I/ would call /her/
Or I would have to send the first text
Sometimes she would text back sometimes she wouldnt
She used to at least answer the phone. Wouldnt be paying any attention to me though. Usually watching tv or some other bullshit. Didnt matter if I was telling her bad news or anything.
As time goes on, she texts me back less and less
Stops answering her phone
Sends me a a text maybe once every week or so
What the fuck?
ignores me for a month.
I text her asking if she still wants help making her Seimei costume
She says sure and comes over.
Texts me while in the car saying she has a boyfriend.
Um. What??
Never met this kid before. Never even HEARD of him
and i know EVERYONE in this town. EVERYONE.
So for me to not have even heard of someone around here, is fucking weird as hell.
after we hung out that day, she said she needed to go home because her sister needed a sitter for the night.
She promised to come back the next day at 10.
-next day-
Alright. I don't expect any different from her lately.
She's been constantly making plans and forgetting/ditching me/blowing me off.
Fine. Whatever.
I asked her if she was going to spring on us that she wanted to bring Kris (The boyfriend) to Anime Boston to stay with us.
She said no because she wouldn't make us all stay with this random kid that none of us knew but her.
2 days ago she texts me saying she bought Kris a ticket to AB and he's staying with us.
Um... What?
We ALL paid for that room. You didn't even pitch in, YOUR MOM DID. NOT YOU.
So I tell the rest of the people staying in the rooms. They deserve to know too.
No one feels comfortable with him in the room. She's only known him for a month.
I've met him for about 2 minutes
and none of the other people in the room have even seen him.
Anime Boston is a little over a month away.
That's not enough time for ANY of us to get to know him enough to want to have him in our rooms.
She didnt even ask permission. She just told us.
So Vanessa(Other girl staying in the room with us) and I talked to her CALMLY
We asked her if he could skip this one, and maybe if we get to know him a little bit better he can stay with us for Connecticon or something.
Or if she wanted him to go, tell him to find another room or something...
We were calm and rational the entire time.
I even offered to help him pay for another hotel room.
She flips out. Calls me a terrible friend. Calls me a back stabber. Emo bitch. Every name she could think of.
A best friend wouldn't do that.
i told her EVERYTHING growing up.
She knows almost ALL of my secrets.
Some of the things she said, I'll never forget.
It hurts all the more knowing they came from HER of all people.
So she cries to her mom.
More bullshit ensues.
Bunch of other shit I'm not mentioning happens
I don't want to even think about this anymore.
I don't want to go to the convention.
I don't want to talk to anyone.
I wish it was the 18th so I could pick up the car I've been working towards getting (I've been paying the dealer every 2 weeks for a while now, and it's a little over half way paid off. I get to pick it up on the 18th)

Want to know what else pisses me off about this whole thing?
I introduced her to anime.
I introduced her to conventions.
I introduced her to cosplay.
I introduced her to all of my convention friends.
The only friend she has made on her own was David and me.
Heather, Nessa, Dylan, Katie, and I could go on and on.
I knew all of them first.
I introduced her to them.
Now she's trying to get Heather to take her side and ditch me too.
Um.. What?
People used to ALWAYS talk about her and how weird she is. I've ALWAYS stood up for her. I've lost friends because of it. I've gotten into FIGHTS because of it.

I've ALWAYS been there for her.

Why is it that the people I hold closest are always the first to stab me in the back?
Am I really that terrible of a person?
Actions speak louder than words.
Well those actions sure as hell are screaming.

Now I love all of you guys, I really do
and I always read your comments
and appreciate that you care
But at this point
I can't trust anyone.
and I don't even care enough to write a response.
I do read the comments though.

I'm done.


ps- I've gotten a few PM's lately that I'm 'stealing' photos and saying they're me... Um no, try again.

This is my deviantart
and this is my facebook.

Do not accuse me of stealing pictures. A thief, I am not.
I'm not afraid of how I look. I may hate my appearance, but I'm sure as FUCK not going to lie and say I'm someone else.
The only thing I change is my name. My real name is Casandra. Cassie for short. But most people /do/ call me Riska. It's a nickname. My mom even calls me it sometimes.

I did that ONCE a few years back in a chatroom. Met a bunch of AWESOME people, and couldn't stand lying to them anymore... I revealed who I really was, and I haven't done it since

and if you're going to add me on FB please send me a message along with the invite so I don't think you're some random person xD
