Trollolol. Family why u no make sense? part 2

This is part 2. Part one is about coffee and stupid people
Part two is about my uncle. Who I think may be one of the most ignorant people I've ever met.
I take that back. He /is/ the most ignorant person I've ever met.

Things Kenny says to me:
(Most of this stuff happens daily)
Loud bitch: I am loud. But I'm also never home and when I am, I ignore him.
Whore: Oh man. I don't believe in sex before marriage, so how does this work out?
Greedy: ....I bought you a coffee, and I lent you $50 yesterday so you would have enough to pay off those child support bills that seem to pile up on you. Way to be a loser.
Stupid dropout: Yeah. I did drop out. But I went back and got my GED. Also scored in the top percentile. So stupid? I don't think so.
Says I suck at art: Well thank you. I put a lot of time and effort when I paint, draw, sculpt, or do anything else artistic. I'm a perfectionist as it is. There's no reason for you to point out what's wrong with my art. I already know.
Says my hobbies are stupid and immature: Well at least I'm not out doing drugs and shooting people, right? Cosplaying isn't immature. It's one of the most important things to me... I love doing it, and I'm not going to give it up just because of some idiot who wouldn't understand anyway.
Calls me ugly: Thanks. I'm a teenage girl with low self-esteem, depression, and anxiety issues. I never asked for your opinion. I know what I look like. I know what's wrong with me. But you have no right to put anyone down.
Says I'll never amount to anything: OKAYYY~ Because /you're/ one to talk? You're 45 and still live with your mommy :P No job. No wife. No friends. No money. Nothing.
Free-loader: .......I'm still a minor. I pay rent to my guardian because I have the money. If I didn't give her money every month, we'd lose the house. I pay rent. You don't. I'm only 17. You're 45.

I don't understand his logic.
I'm still young.
My future can be whatever I make it to.
He'll never change and never have a life of his own.
I pity the pathetic loser.
Putting people down, bullying, all of that high school drama that I couldn't wait to get away from.
Grow up dude.
You'll still be living with your mommy while I have a family of my own, my own house, and a successful career.
Then who'll be the loser?
Thought so.

