ANIME BOSTON 2011!!!!!!

April 22nd-24th
I'm going up there on the 21st with my friendss <3
We were going to take the bus... But as some of you already know, I'm terrified of public transportation. I've been on a public bus one time, and I've refused to do it ever since.
SOOOO Ive been trying to get my lovely brother to bring myself and probably Nessa up there with our luggage--- LOL OMG I CAN HEAR HIM SINGING IN HIS ROOM xDDDDDDDDDDDDD -rolling on the flooorrrrr-
Oh jeez
Anyway, back to con bizniss
Because of certain things that have happened recently, I'm going to be changing up my cosplay list for this con...
BASICALLY Luki isn't going to be making an appearance... I wanted to cut the pink fur off and buy the right shade to fix it... But I haven't the money right now, and the fabric needs to be specially ordered... sucks, but I can always wear it for CTcon in July [:
(although I might die from the heat... dunno what to do lol)
-Change fur on fabric to RIGHT shade of pink
-Still need to make the hat
-Wig was never styled either....
I WILL be working on my Youji cosplay this week. I wasn't going to do it until CTcon, but there's a photoshoot being held on the Thursday of the con, and I would really like to go... Plus let's see if I'm skilled enough to pull this one together >.<
-Need to completely make the shirt. I have the fabric, and I can draw the pattern up in a few minutes...
-Wig needs to be razored at the back
-Tail is too poofy for Youji. It would have worked for maybe Natsuo or Ritsuka, but Youji's tail it smoother... So I'll be cutting the wefts, making a new(thinner and longer) base, and sewing the wefts onto that. Will probably take AT LEAST 6 hours of straight work.
-Will need to dye the tail to match the wig. 10 mins to mix the dye, 20 to let it sit, then however long for it to dry, then rinse, dry, and brush it out.
-I want new black skinny jeans... I had 3 pairs but one got bleach spilled on it(turned it dark purple), another is too short(I grew like 4 inches in the past year >D) and the 3rd pair is lost in the terror that is my house >.>
-Shoe laces. Petty I know. But I like the details.
-EARS!! Maybe... I might wear a hat. The wig I bought for like 10 bucks, and the top is reallyyy thin >.> (get what you pay for, amirite?)

I also need a dress for the ball....
I'm seriously going to cry about this one because I don't have the experience or skill to make a proper ballgown, and I don't really own any dresses...
I really wanted to do Magnet with my friend, but I don't have the time, materials, or patience to make any more props than I need to....
ACTUALLY- No... I really want to have a magnet cosplay :[
I'll probably be stuck with either my brown dress (which everyone says I look good in, but I hate it with a burning passion), my Ciel dress, or some shitty shit shit that I throw together at the last minute :[
whatever I do, I'll probably hate anyway....

Zatsune. UGH don't even get me started :|
I hate how this turned out... I love my new wig thoughhh <3
The costume looks weird on me, and I still need thigh-highs :P
I'm going to be wearing this as little as possible.
AS IN only when Vanessa forces me to :P
(In her mind Neru and Zatsune are lyke TOTES BIFFLES YO)
I sketched up my own design for it, and worked all night to finish it for FYEcon last Sunday x]
But it's my favorite cosplay EVER
I just loveee ittt <3
It has my favorite colors, random makeup, comfortable shoes, comfortable EVERYTHINGGG <3
I just love it~ and it's really easy to move around in lol
But I'm having some issues with the wig...
I'm not sure if I should actually cut one up and make her drill curls, or just use the curled clips like I have been doing....
I know how to do the drill curls, and they would turn out just fine... But I wouldn't want to bend them to fit into the holes in my Matryoshka costume...
Maybe I should add a zipper or something to the jacket...
ugh I don't want to do that either Dx
I thin I'll just use the clips for the Matryoshka costume, and I'll make the drill curls for when I start on her normal outfit. Yeah.
Okay enough on Teto xD

-listening to Black Veil Brides-
-lost train of thought-

-Need to resew the petti. (Let a friend use, she killed it. Never again.)
-Because I grew so much over the past few months (growing pains suck man) I need to undo the stitchings down the side, and make it a little longer lol
^for both the pink and white parts
-Finally found a good way to get the kind of curl I want for the pigtails. They're drying now, I'll see if it worked tomorrow T.T
^Also still need to trim the parts over my eyes...
-Need to buy a FLAT shoe... I'm now taller than Alois T.T He'll be wearing 3 inch heels, so it won't be too bad... But that means I'm going to need to be wearing flats xD

-angsty teenager flail-
Hey. I can angst, bitch, and complain all I want.
This is my world :P
Plus in real life I actually never complain...
This is my vent.

-so scared-

Ya'll should follow me on tumblr BY THE WAY
and I'll follow back lol

Kay that's it.
Going to clean the house and look for shit...

