They're both extremely pregnant... Like seriously...
and Su just started having contractions
I've been though my cats giving birth a bunch of times (Mom used to be a breeder)
and I've seen a bunch of videos ect so I know what to expect
But like...
What if something goes wrong?
These are my babies...
I'm like so scared right now...
So far Miki has just been sleeping a lot and only getting up to eat and drink
Su is really active. Like I hardly see her stop moving lately.
I don't think Ran is pregnant... Well she probably is, but she isn't showing yet. So I'm not too worried about her yet.
Yoru is being.. well.. Yoru lol
He's sleeping right now next to Miki
They're so cute T.T
Poor Miki x[ she sounds like she's in pain...
EDIT I forgot to mention they are my pet mice xD
Su is tan, Ran is white, Miki is black, and Yoru is brown