and I'm so tired
Like I haven't slept or eaten much all weekend, but somehow still had loads of energy xD
But now it's catching up on me
and all I want to do is sleeeppppp
I bought my first two anime DVD's
Like I'v been into anime for a LONG time, but never bought it for myself lol
and I bought my first two wallscrolls and a bunch of pinsssss
and I bought 18+ manga things xD
the dude didn't even card me
The two DVD's I got were Loveless and Gakuen Heaven; Boys Love Hyper
The Loveless is the whole season in English AND Japanese
I didn't even know they dubbed it
The dub is terrible :|
I've heard some bad dubs.... But this is just...
Holy shit... My 10 year old sister could have voiced Ritsuka with more emotion :|
Son I was disappoint. But it's in Jap too so it's all good
The Gakuen Heaven DVD actually has 4 disks because it's the entire 12 episodes
I'm not sure what it's about, but a friend of mine has been raving for me to get it for the longest time
So I'm going to og watch that until I pass out~
More raving about the con later xD
Too tired atm
Bye everyone!