Welcome to our world. This is where me and my bff/sis v will be posting our podcast and random articles about pretty much anything and everything! We'll have anime and manga reviews, talk about art on otaku and DA and random issue we think deserve our attention and anything else we randomly talk about! Comments are wanted and loved! We want to know what you think so we can make randomosity a better show! Remember! Radnomosity, We're changing randomness one podcast at a time!

External Image

Podcasts are updated every Monday!

Links will be posted here for both the podcast page and the photobucket version!


Your Hosts:

E's Profile: Click Here

V's Profile: Click Here


Our Awesome Script Writer

Poyongluv's Profile: Click Here


Our Blogs

E's Personal Blog: Click Here

V's Personal Blog: Click Here

Poyongluv's Personal Blog: Click Here


Interview Form

(Fill out to be featured in the podcast!)

Fan Art- Click Here

Fan Comic- Click Here


Episode List: Click Here

^Your Lovely Hosts V & E!^

(E is on the left and V is on the Right)


Check out this post. Make sure you read it! Randomosity is directed at teens and young adults and we want you guys to be safe so make sure you click the link below and read it!!! there's some one on otaku with 30+ accounts preying on minors and we want to help put a stop to it and keep otaku safe!!!! Make sure you read and if you see this person or this person contacts you block them and contact otaku staff asap!!!!

Click Here To Read


So i checked and updated the podcast page today and guess what!? We have our first follower! and so far this weak we've had 48 people watch the podcast! woot! So people are actually watching us!!!!! We're not an epic fail! ^^ I can't wait until next weeks episode to see how many hits we'll get.

Love 4 Ever,



So yup here's a random contest you'll have 2 weeks to figure this out ok? I heard it the other day and i thought it was hilarious so im turning it into a contest. The answer will be in the oct. 18ths podcast so make sure you watch, i won't be saying it, and the answer will be semi-hidden in the podcast graphics. So are you ready? Here we go!

I have 3 fish, their name is Bob,Bob,And Bob, their three years old and they wont die.

If you can tell me what show this is from you win a special prize!!!!!! Oh yeah and no members of the randomosity team can join, sorry guys. So yup! any way good luck guys!!!

Featured Artists!

Ok so here's a list of artist interviews that will be coming up on Randomosity! Most of them are the awesome and popular artists from our own TheOtaku! So make sure you check in and see who's going to be on the show!

October 18th 2010: GhostixxHarrell

November 1st 2010: Spirit792

November 15th 2010: KungPowChicken

November 29th 2010: Sasukelover001

December 13th 2010: No Artist Booked

December 27th 2010: No Artist Booked (E's New Years Special)



Hey guys! E here with a randomosity update! We usually come up with pretty awesome and random stuff to talk about on our own but we want to know what YOU our viewers want to talk about! Is there something you think we should talk about? A major event thats happened near you? or a subject in general? Well PM us or leave a comment and we'll talk about it! We're working hard preparing for the next 2 episodes of randomosity (V's on the 11th then mine on the 18th)Lots of interviews and reviews coming up so we want YOU to tell US what to talk about! All for now!


The Randomosity Team!