About Me

This is my BLEACH OC Rin. Rin is basically the exact opposite of Toshiro... below you will probably be able to picture why. I hope that someone could help me improve on the character because it is still in the rough stages. Thank you.
External Image
Name: Isuzu Rin Korinama [Rin]
Age [appearence]: 19
Birthday: March 20
Hair: Red
Eyes: Blue or Green [sometimes Red in demon form]
Occupation: Student, Guardian
Abilities: controls fire, sword fighting, hand-to-hand combat
Sword: Kitsuma Hara
External Image
Attitude: argumentive, decisive, and attentive [very loyal to those she trusts]
Status: No living family, wandering fighter
Hometown: Karakura
Friends: None; loner/ wanderer
Guardians: Riku [mod-soul that inhabits a stuffed animal she found as a child and discovered as a teen]
