Wait... What happened?

He counted as he ran. Nine-hundred ninety-eight.... Nine-hundred ninety-nine...

"One thousand!" Rock Lee declared as he finished his final run around the training field. He dropped onto his feet from the handstand he was in, for he had been running using his arms rather than his legs. Guy-sensei said that I should be working on my kick strength, too.... I will do it now so that I will have the rest of the day to associate with my friends and... Sakura!

He sprinted to the training grounds he normally trained his kicks with. Its trees were sturdy and did not bent like some of the others did. They took the beating well.

He abruptly stopped when he reached the grounds. All around him the targets had been trashed, the trees had been leveled, and the ground itself had been destroyed.

What... happened here... he muttered to himself, his eyes wide.
