
Keelena looks at Truth and hugs her knees smiling
willotaku: (welcome back)
willotaku: So
Keelena I won't be here for long....they'll save me
willotaku: of course he will
Keelena (thanks)
willotaku: (sure thing)
Butterflykiss raises blade in the air and brings it down cutting Angela in half
willotaku: Truth: looks like he's about to rush in now *grins wickedly*
Keelena Angela: screams
Butterflykiss laughs
Keelena (will, it has to be sebby!)
Keelena and...who do you mean?
Butterflykiss lands to the ground and starts to walk to Ed and Al then stops
willotaku my eyes glow and I vanish, grabbing my stone, becoming fully healed, punches Kira's mask, breaking it, transmutes Kee and her baby (YOU JUST CAN'T LET ME BE COOL!!! TTT.TTT)
Butterflykiss: ..OWW!!!
Keelena (hehe)
willotaku *back
Butterflykiss: AL would have done it more gentel! TAT
Butterflykiss hides behind Al
willotaku: Truth: him~
Keelena who is him?
Keelena looks at him confused
willotaku: Well, it broke your mask, and me Kee
Keelena ( screw you will DX)
Keelena (*shot*)
Butterflykiss Sebastian: lays on the ground "gotta..gotta.."
Keelena 9I SAID IT WAS SEBBY >.<)
Keelena (whoops, caps)
willotaku: (Angel already does~ do not tell her I said that)
Keelena (i should)
Butterflykiss Alexander: points knife to Sebby "it's over..goodbye big brother"
Butterflykiss: (I WILL 8D)
Keelena (XD)
willotaku: (guys)
Butterflykiss: (*shot* jk jk jk i wont XD)
willotaku: (thanks)
Keelena (then you didn;t transmute me >.<)
willotaku: (okay)
Keelena (thank you)
willotaku: (but I did the other stuff)
Keelena keeps looking at Truth, keeping her hand on her belly
Butterflykiss Violet: rushes out of the rops and stomps on ALex's head "step off my uncle!!!!!!"
willotaku: Truth: your hubby
Keelena smiles
Butterflykiss Violet: swings Artimis as he turns into a bigger rod
willotaku: or was it brother? hmm, both have the potential *grins*
Keelena remembers Angela's words. "an angel, a demon, and a vampire in one body...."
willotaku: but only one will do it
Keelena (go vi!_
Keelena *)
Keelena (XD)
willotaku: Truth: just think of how your big brother feels
Butterflykiss: (XD)
willotaku: (YEAH VI!)
Keelena looks at Truth
willotaku: *grins* he has everything~
Keelena ....
Butterflykiss Sebastian: draws a the circal "kick his ass Vi.."
willotaku: *circle
Keelena Mayra: runs over to Sebby. "daddy"
Butterflykiss: (ty)
willotaku: (yw~)
Butterflykiss Sebastian: Mayra "run home..or to may's you have to do it i'll be backk soon with your mother"
willotaku: (guys check the World of Roleplay, I posted some)
Keelena (ok)
Keelena Mayra: runs out to May's
willotaku: William: Mayra, you're safe!
willotaku: my dad, my dad's all healed
Keelena Mayra: crying. "momma gone"
Butterflykiss May: picks Mayra up "thank god you're alright!"
willotaku: she'll be back, I promise
Butterflykiss Sebastian: puts his hands on it as he ends up in the place xD
willotaku: OMG! Tiffany!
willotaku runs looking for her
Keelena hidden from Sebby at the moment
willotaku: Ah...SebbySebseb~
Keelena (XD)
Butterflykiss: Sebastian: -___-
willotaku: (XDD)
Butterflykiss: Sebastian: where's my wife Truth?
willotaku: Oh, you've come for her huh?
Butterflykiss: Sebastian: of course i have
willotaku: You're so like that little pipsqueak that came for his brother
Keelena (XD)
willotaku Truth looks around
willotaku: weird...
willotaku: (XDDDDDDDDDDD Even across dimensions!!!)
Butterflykiss: (XD)
Butterflykiss: Sebastian: very..and yes i am
daisuke11 joined the room.
Keelena (hi)
Butterflykiss: (hi dai)
willotaku: (hi)
willotaku: Truth: so, what are you going to give t-
willotaku Truth's smile falters
willotaku: you have a stone in your pocket
Butterflykiss: Sebastian: ....
willotaku: you're under his protection...I do like that mortal
willotaku he reveals kee
Keelena Sebastian!
willotaku: free of charge~
Keelena stands and runs to him
willotaku: both of them
Butterflykiss Sebastian: hugs you "i'm sorry it took so long.."
willotaku: oh yes
daisuke11: hi will, kiss , and keelena
willotaku Kee's soul is given back to her
Keelena gasps and passes out
Butterflykiss Violet: slashes at Alexander
daisuke11: my bad I may be unresponsive because I am in the process of turning in an assignment
Butterflykiss Sebastian: smiles "thank you turth" he leaves
willotaku: Truth: you can thank the owner of the stone
Butterflykiss Alexander: gets stabed
Butterflykiss Madam Night: damnit..
willotaku: Me: *appears behind Night and sets her on fire* hello
Butterflykiss she screams and melts
Butterflykiss: Violet: *sighs*
Butterflykiss: Violet: made of wax...
willotaku: she was made of wax?
Butterflykiss Alexander: lays on the ground dead
Keelena groans as she starts to wake
daisuke11 left the room. (Logged out)
willotaku: so, evil copy or real one?
Butterflykiss Sebastian: passed out
Butterflykiss: Violet: ....real one..
willotaku: I'm sorry Vi
Butterflykiss: Violet: i'm more worried about what mom will do..
willotaku: the only thing I could offer you is that if you'd like, you can call me Dad, because you're more like a daughter to me than a niece
willotaku: and I already took care of her mask
willotaku: Al: you alright Kira?
Butterflykiss breaths "yeah just...jus-" passes out
willotaku Al catches her, and her arm becomes real again
Keelena looks around then at Sebby
willotaku everyone's returned to normal
Keelena S-Sebastian?
Butterflykiss Grell: felli wake up you're not on the to die list
willotaku: (you know what I mean)
Butterflykiss: Sebastian: kee..welcome back
Butterflykiss Felli: fine
Keelena smiles
willotaku: Hey little sister
willotaku: everything's been returned
Keelena a white orb appears in front of her and Sebby
Keelena that's...
willotaku takes my stone out of Sebby's pocket
Keelena (truth only gave back what he took)
Butterflykiss: (yup xD)
willotaku: (I know, that's what I meant)
Keelena (lol)
Keelena looks at the orb then at Sebby
Butterflykiss Sebastian: huh
Keelena my soul...
Butterflykiss: Sebastian: yeah..hehe
Keelena belongs to you now
Keelena smiles
willotaku: how sweet ^^
Butterflykiss Sebastian: kisses you "you need it more."
Keelena (dude, only because of the contract i made with him XD)
Butterflykiss: Sebastian: besides it belongs to me either way
willotaku: (uh-huh)
Keelena hm...
willotaku: awww~
Keelena smiles and touches the orb
Keelena it glows brightly then disappears
willotaku: don't worry, the baby's fine
Keelena i kno
Keelena stands and stretches
Butterflykiss Sebastian: smiles
Keelena Mayra: looks at May and smiles. "momma otay"
Butterflykiss is still passed out in al's arms
Butterflykiss: May: thank god
willotaku Ed takes Al's shirt off and snickers
Keelena Ed
Keelena kicks him
willotaku: Big Brother DX
willotaku: Ouch!
willotaku: And my Dad's all better May ^^
Keelena hey it was either me or Felli
Keelena and Felli's kick is a lot harder
Butterflykiss: May: good
willotaku: but where's Tiffany?
LunarEclypse joined the room.
willotaku: (hi)
Butterflykiss cuddles into Alphonse
LunarEclypse: I just died a lil inside
Butterflykiss: May: she sent home
LunarEclypse: -3-
willotaku: Al: *blushes*
Butterflykiss: (ok ._.)
Japan joined the room.
LunarEclypse: not from you, from something I made on dA
Japan left the room. (Going to Otaku Lobby)
willotaku: (oh)
Butterflykiss: (again ok ._.)
LunarEclypse left the room. (Going to Otaku Lobby)
Butterflykiss: (xD)
Keelena (bye?)
Butterflykiss: (i made someone leave omg xD(
Butterflykiss: *)
Keelena (XD)
willotaku: Is Tiffany okay?
willotaku: I should go check
willotaku he goes over to Tiffany's
Butterflykiss: May: she isn't home her mother is givin-
Butterflykiss: g birht..
Butterflykiss: *birth
Keelena sighs and hugs Sebby
willotaku he hears her and teleports to the hospital
willotaku: Tiffany?
Butterflykiss Sebastian: hugs back
Butterflykiss: Tiffany: willam
willotaku he hugs her
willotaku: you alright? D-Did I scare you?
Keelena is Felli ok Grell?
Butterflykiss: Sebastian: yeah they are they left though ^^'
Butterflykiss Tiffany: no it's ok and i'm fine
Keelena ...
Keelena some things just never change
willotaku: I'm really glad
willotaku: Well, you guys are back to normal
willotaku I still have automail
willotaku: I'm a special case
Keelena heh
Butterflykiss mumbles "you're"
willotaku: >/////////<
Keelena Al, can you carry her back to the hotel
willotaku: (­Q3V1dd-nBY&feature=related )
Keelena and does my belly look bigger to you?!
Butterflykiss Violet: tries to talk to me through her mind "mom i have something to tell you..about Ale-"
Keelena looking down
Butterflykiss "i know...i felt it."
willotaku: nope
Keelena yes it does!
willotaku: still as lovely as ever
willotaku: trust me
Keelena i got bigger!
willotaku: I know these things -w-
Butterflykiss: Sebastian: you look fine honey
Keelena don't lie to me!
Keelena i look more than 5 months!
Keelena don't make me kick you!
Butterflykiss Violet: sighs 'I'm sorry..i had to.."
willotaku: okay, you look like you have twins
Butterflykiss: Sebastian: really you look fine i swear QAQ
Keelena ...what! no! no twins!
willotaku: well you asked!
Keelena kicks Will in the shin
willotaku Clang!
Keelena ow! ow! mother f--- ow!
Keelena hops on one foot
Keelena holding the other
willotaku: you kicked the automail one
Butterflykiss a few tears fall from my right and left eye "'s ok.."
willotaku Al kisses Kira's temple
willotaku: (you have more than two eyes?)
Keelena (XD)
Keelena is yelling at Will right now
Butterflykiss: (remember rigth eye was taken but is now bak to normal XD)
willotaku: sorry...
willotaku: sorry kee
willotaku: **
Butterflykiss: it's ok Alphonse..i'm sorry to have to make you carry me..
Keelena looks at Kira then runs to her. "sis! oh sis!"
willotaku: I like carrying you...*blushes*
willotaku: (Al has a crush XD)
Keelena a portal of light appears by Madam Night
Keelena (XD)
willotaku: I melted her
Butterflykiss blushes and kisses his cheek "thanks Al"
Keelena (will, we doing cliffhanger! shush!)
willotaku: O////////////////////////O
willotaku: y-y-you're w-w-welcome
Butterflykiss Madam Night: good i was starting to get worried about you
willotaku: (what the heck?!)
Butterflykiss looks at sis "hey hehe"
Keelena Angela: steps out of the portal, smirking. "Madam Night, everything is falling into place"
Butterflykiss: (shiz xD)
willotaku: (but...)
Keelena (XD)
Butterflykiss Madam Night: wonderful *smirks*
willotaku: (WILL YOU ------- STAY DEAD!!!!)
Keelena (thats it we're done for the night!)
Butterflykiss: (i need to go xD)
willotaku: (WAIT!!)
Butterflykiss: (ok)
Keelena (my idea and will angela and night...hard to kill. remember i have kain doing research)
willotaku Al trips and accidentally kisses Kira
willotaku: (now we're done!)
Keelena (XD)
willotaku: (XDDD)
Butterflykiss blushes and kisses him back
willotaku: (now we can g-)
Butterflykiss: (I'm happy! 8D)
willotaku: O//////////O
Keelena (XDDD)
willotaku: (XDDDD)
Keelena (*falls off bed lmfao*)
