Ok, I'm going to post everything up to the new stuff ok? I'm going to break it into pages...
It was getting late and Mom still had not returned. I was sent to bed by my dad.
“Dad... Do you think she found out?” I asked.
“I don’t know. Goodnight sweet heart.”
“Goodnight dad.”
Then next day I awoke to find my Mom smiling in my face.
“Good morning Chero!!!!!” She said.
“Uh.....Good morning Mom.....”
“So Chero, when were you going to tell me you were a Mew?”
“Well uh.....Wait. How do you know?”
“Ryou told me. Mint and I used to work at Café Mew Mew when I was younger, so we decided to stop by and visit Ryou.”
“Wait.... So that means?”
“Yup. I used to be a mew too! I was the first one. Kinda like you.”
She pulled out an old magazine with a picture of a girl with cat ears and pink hair, eyes and outfit. She kinda looked like Mom.....
“Is that you?”
“Yup. It was also around that time I met your father.”
I looked at the cover more. The caption said, “Mew Ichigo, leader of the Tokyo Mew Mews.”
“Um.... Isn’t kinda obvious to who you are by going by the same name?”
“People are stupid....Your father figured it out, though. I guess it was because I was late to sooo many of our dates and kept on disappearing.”
“Wow. I would love to talk more Mom, but I promised I’d meet Pepper at the park, so we can try and find the other members of our team.”
“Ok. Wait! Can I see your transformation?”
I then transformed. When my Mom saw my transformation completed she hugged me.
“I’m sooo happy you’re a cat like me!”
“Technically I’m a tiger....”
I changed back to normal and bid Mom goodbye. On the way out I was stopped by Dad.
“Yes Dad?”
“Did you mother seem upset to you?”
“No she was actually happy and excited.”
“She was giving me the cold shoulder all this morning.”
“Probably because you her husband lied to her and kept a huge secret from
“You’re right.... I should make it up to her....You’re a girl what would cheer you up?”
“If I was Mom I would want you to apologize and take me out on a date like in the old days. Remind her of when you first met and of other fun things you did together.”
“Ok. Thanks Chero.”
I finally got out of there! I had to hurry up or I was going to be late.