TIME Academy

Chapter 15: I Don’t Understand…

I saw Katara collapse to the ground and I quickly got up and ran over to her. “K-Katara…” I said lifting her head off the floor onto and getting her into a sitting position. “K-Katara say something.” I said to her.

Katara’s eyes fluttered open and it felt like a small gust of wind hit me in the face. I blinked a few times and brushed some of her hair out of her face. “Hei…” She looked up at me.

“I’m so happy that you are alright.” I said hugging her.

“Hei, you didn’t stutter.” She told me with a bit of surprise in her voice.

“Of course I’m not stuttering, why would I when I’m around you?” I asked her a bit confused. “Did you hit your head too hard when you fell sweetie?”

“W-what did you call me?” She stuttered and her cheeks turned bright red.

“I always call you that. Are you alright hun?” I asked her feeling her forehead. “Maybe you should eat something. I know that we didn’t have dinner last night, so you must be hungry.” I stated helping her up.

“I’m not hungry I’m confused.” She answered shaking her head.

“What are you confused about?” I blinked at her.

“Why you’re acting this way.” She answered.

“You’re confusing me, what do you mean?” I asked her still confused, I didn’t know why she was acting so strange, and maybe she woke up on the wrong side of the bed?

“I’m going to go and talk to Doc.” She told me walking away from me.

“Wait Katara.” I ran up to her and grabbed her hand to stop her and pulled her in close to me and kissed her. “Try to avoid him giving you anything to eat or drink.” I smiled at her after I pulled away.

“R-right, I-I’ll remember that.” She nodded and quickly ran out of the cafeteria.

Why was she stuttering? I’ve kissed her in public before…I shrugged my shoulders and went and got Dan some coffee. I knew that I needed to tell her that Dan was actually Doc, but I didn’t know how to break it to her.

I took my time to get to Dan’s office so that Katara could talk with him. I heard them talking but it was muffled so I couldn’t make it out. I knocked a couple of times and then walked in. “I have your coffee Dan.” I said walking in.

“Thank you Hei.” He smiled at me then turned his attention back to Katara, “Just enjoy the day, and try to have a good time.” He stated and I looked at him and at Katara then back at Dan and walked over to his desk and set down his coffee then leaned against his desk.

“You didn’t give her anything did you?” I muttered under my breath loud enough for him to hear me.

“No, I didn’t. Why don’t you two go and enjoy the day.” He sighed with a bit of disappointment in his voice.

I went over to Katara and took her hand, “Lets go and get you something to eat.” I smiled at her and pulled her towards the door.

“Have fun you two.” Dan chimed in as I opened the door.

“Don’t worry we will.” I told him and pulled Katara out of the room.

After I closed the door I pinned Katara against the wall and put my hands on her shoulders, “He didn’t give anything to you did he?” I asked with a bit of a panic.

She looked do at the ground, “What did he give you?” I was right.

“No, no he didn’t give me anything.” She shook her head rapidly.

“You sure?” I questioned a bit worried.

She nodded; I smiled at her and sighed a bit in relief, “Good.” I ran my hands down her arms and to her hands then kissed her lightly, “Lets go and get you something to eat then.” I said after pulling away.

“Okay.” She smiled at me and I let go of one of her hands as I moved away so she could get off the wall and we walked back to the cafeteria.