TIME Academy

Chapter 14: Yeah, I do Like Him...


I continued watching the movie, and at one point, I glanced over at Hei, and he was sound asleep, curled up in the chair. I smiled a little as I watched some of his hair move slightly as Hei’s chest moved up and down rhythmically. He looked very peaceful, not a care in the world registered on his face.

“Hey, Katara?” I jumped when Hiro addressed me.

“Y-Yeah?” I stuttered.

“I feel like the only one watching the movie, you were watching Hei like he was a scene straight out of Magic Mike.” Hiro grinned. I felt my face heat up, and heat radiated from my ears. When I didn’t say anything in response, he continued. “You like him, don’t you?” He said seriously. I looked away from him and returned my gaze to Hei.

“He’s so sweet. And so soft, and shy. I, I just, I want him to see me as something more than just a pretty friend. I want him to feel like he’s invincible with just the thought of me, and-” I froze and quickly stopped talking. What I was saying was completely embarrassing.

“And?” Hiro asked.

“And, I just want him to feel what I feel when I look at him. It’s such a comforting warm sensation, a light in the dark…you know?” I looked at Hiro, hoping he understood.

“Hmm, I get it…” He nodded. “So, you going to tell him?” He asked. I shook my head.

“No, I-I couldn’t…not right now. He is just starting to actually get comfortable around me. If I said any of this to him, I would scare him away, and I-I couldn’t handle that…” I felt my nose sting, and my vision became blurry.

“Uh, Uh, d-don’t cry, he doesn’t know yet…it’s ok…” Hiro said quickly. I chuckled a little and held back tears and the sensation that I was about to cry went away.

“Yeah, and you have to swear to me you’ll never tell him.” I looked at Hiro and he crossed his heart.

“I won’t.” He nodded. I got up and sighed.

“I’m heading back up to my room, have a good night Hiro…”

“Are you taking those clothes with you?” I remembered I was wearing Hei’s clothes, and I blushed again.

“Give me a break here…” I muttered. He laughed lightly.

“Good night Katara.” He said.

“Night.” I left quickly, feeling just a little lighter now that I had gotten some stuff off my chest. I got to the room, and immediately crawled into bed, and fell asleep in no time.


“Katara…Katara…” Someone was, calling to me? “Katara?” I felt something light brush against my arm, and I moved a little, and opened up my eyes. Hei was standing over me and once I realized it was him, I shot up.

“H-Hei? How, How did you get into my room?!” I asked.

“Well, you left the door unlocked.” He blinked. I put my hand over my racing heart.

“You scared me to death.” I breathed. I shifted over a little so he could sit next to me.

“I’m sorry.” He apologized.

“It’s alright…Hei, you aren’t stuttering at all.” I noticed. He smiled. It took my breath away.

“Well, it’s just you and me. So, I’m ok.” He said.

“R-Really?” I asked. He laughed a little, and I breathed in sharply.

“Who’s the one stuttering now?” He reached over and tucked some of my hair behind my ears. “You know…” He looked away a little, his cheeks slowly turning pink. “You’re really pretty when you get up in the morning.” I immediately covered up my face.

“No I’m not! I-I don’t have make up on, I haven’t brushed my hair, I haven’t-” I felt him take my hands and pull me forward a little. He put my arms around his neck and I instantly blushed. My face had never felt hotter. “Hei?” I whispered. He closed what little gap there was between us and put his lips on mine. He had no reason to this time, and it wasn’t an accident. His lips were slightly chapped, but I closed my eyes and leaned into the kiss. He wrapped his arms around me, and I caressed his neck, and ran my fingers through his hair. His hands roamed my back, and I shivered. He pulled back, and I kept my eyes closed. He kissed me again, but after a few moments, I started to feel dizzy, and my body was beginning to go numb. I couldn’t feel anything anymore, but I did feel myself slip away from Hei’s embrace.


I woke with a start; beads of sweat ran down my forehead and into my hairline. I was breathing heavily, and my heart was pounding. I put my hands over my face. “Wow…some dream…” I muttered to myself. I decided to immediately get up and take a shower to cool off. During my shower, I thought about what I should do. I wondered if I should go talk to Doc. He knew Hei the best, and maybe I could word things right and find out more about Hei without clueing him in on the fact I had a major crush on his son. I got back to my room, and got dressed. I had made up my mind, and headed to Doc’s office. I knocked on his door twice, and then opened the door. I blinked when I saw a young man at Doc’s desk. He looked familiar, then I remembered seeing him before.

“Hello, Miss Katara, yes?” He looked at me and smiled.

“Um, yes…” I answered. “I’m sorry, you look familiar, but, you’re name isn’t coming to me.”

“Oh, please, call me Dan.” He stood up. “I help Doc with paperwork sometimes, I guess you could call me a secretary.” He said.

“Hei has never mentioned you before.” I blinked.

“Ah, Hei…we don’t really talk…please, do have a seat. Were you looking for Doc?” He asked standing up and motioning to the couch. I sat down and nodded. “Well, perhaps I can help.”

“Well, I kind of needed Doc…” I started carefully.

“How come? Oh, allow me to make some tea for us.” Dan got up and made some tea for us, and handed me a cup.

“Thank you…actually, it was about Hei. And since you don’t talk to him much, you probably can’t help much.” I laughed a little and sipped on the tea.

“Oh Doc talks about him a lot, I could try to help.” He leaned back and smiled.

“Um…ok…maybe I can be more open with you than with Doc.” I smiled back.

“What’s on your mind?”

“It’s just, Hei’s been slowly getting more comfortable around me, but, I wonder how to maybe, help him loosen up more. I know about his depression, but there has to be something more I can do for him. He’s a wonderful person, and I want to see him continue to grow and-” Dan cut me off.

“Do you like Hei?” He asked. My face grew warm.

“Well, yes…b-but, don’t tell Hei, o-or Doc…” I looked at him, embarrassed.

“I won’t tell a soul.” He nodded.

“I just don’t know what to do.” I drank, until the cup was empty. I was nervous and it kept me from talking more.

“Well, I think that you just have to keep doing what you’re doing, he’ll keep opening up and who knows? Maybe he already likes you but doesn’t know it yet, I mean, look at you…”

“E-Excuse me?” I blinked. Dan was rather cute, and I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

“Oh, look at the time…I really should be getting back to work, so, if you’ll excuse me…” Dan smiled. I stood up quickly and headed to the door.

“Um, thank you…” I said quietly.

“Oh any time Miss!” He called to me from his desk. I nodded and left Doc’s office. I wondered where Doc was, but at least I got a little bit of advice. I headed to the dining hall. I was starting to get a slight headache. Once I reached the dining hall, I saw Hei sitting by himself. He saw me and I gave him a small wave and walked over to him, but I stumbled a little, and my vision blurred. My legs gave out, and I fell.