TIME Academy

Chapter 11: Why Halloween

I quickly ran over to Katara and put my hands over her mouth, “Please d-don’t scream.”

I felt her take a few deep breaths and I let go of her. “I-I’m sorry.” I said looking down at the ground.

“Doc did something didn’t he?” Katara asked me.

I looked away from her and put my hands in my pockets. “W-wanna go to breakfast?” I asked trying to change the subject. I couldn’t tell her. After that talk that I had with Doc he made me promise I couldn’t tell anyone and I had to help him no matter what. I can’t tell her no matter when happens not after that conversation I had with him and knowing a little bit more of the truth.

“Breakfast? You want breakfast at a time like this?” Katara stated.

“It’s Halloween, n-no one will notice.” I mentioned and I started towards the dinning hall for some breakfast.

“…I guess your right…” she sighed.

“I-it will be fine. You look nice.” I told her.

“Oh, thank you. At least now I can tell people that I’m a Neko princess or something.” She mentioned.

“N-not a problem.” I nodded and continued walking,

“Hei, did I eat something that made this happen? That last time something strange happened I drank spiked punch.” Katara mentioned.

“I-I don’t know.” I lied looking down at the ground trying to make sure that my ears stayed up but it didn’t work.

“I believe you, don’t me sad, lets go get something to eat, maybe some milk to drink.” She laughed lightly trying to brighten up the mood.

“Right…” I muttered and walked away.

“Maybe Doc had something to do with this.” Katara stated and pulled me along to Doc’s office. “Mr. NIGHTRAY!” Katara pounded on the door.

Doc opened the door and smiled at us, “Why hello Hei, miss Katara how are you?” He asked and stepped aside and Katara dragged me into the office.

“Can you explain what happened?” She said pointing at her ears and tail.

“You look cute and it was just a neko potion.” He said simply and started playing with my ears.

“ONLY A NEKO POTION!!!” Katara shouted at him, which hurt my ears.

“I can give you the antidote.” He said a little sad with Katara’s reaction.

“Really?!” She said excited.

“But Hei has to stay like this till tonight.” He stated placing a hand on my head.

“That’s not fair.” Katara protested.

“No it’s fine.” I told her considering it was part of our deal.

“But, Hei…” She said looking at me with a sad expression on her face.

“I-I don’t mind.” I objected.

“You sure?” Katara looked at me concerned.

“Of course he is, now why don’t you two go and get Hiro and I’ll get the antidote for the two of you.” Doc smiled at her.

“Alright then.” Katara pulled my sleeve and pulled me with her to the dorms.

“K-Katara…what’s the rush?” I asked

“It’s nothing I just want to go and get Hiro.” She answered and we went to Hiro’s room and my and he was playing with a ball of string.

“W-what are you doing Hiro?” I asked him as my eye twitched a bit.

“Playing with string.” He answered as his cat ears twitched.

Katara went over to him and pulled him off his bed and towards the door. “Come on we’re going to Mr. Nightray’s office.”

“Katara relax its Halloween I’m just playing the part.” Hiro stated and pulled his arm away so he could put his shoes on.

“This isn’t playing around Hiro.” Katara commented putting her hands on her hips.

I rolled my eyes at her and looked away, “H-he’s just having fun Katara.” I answered.

“This isn’t fun I want to be back to normal.” Katara pouted.

“Okay.” I sighed and I motioned for Hiro to follow me out of the room.

All of us went to Doc’s office and Doc wasn’t in his office. “Where did he go?” Katara asked looking around.

I sighed and walked over to the side wall that was next to his bookcase and knocked on the wall Hiro and Katara looked at me like I was nuts. Then there was an explosion on the other side of the wall, which made Katara jump a bit. Then Doc poked his head out of the wall and handed me two vials of blue antidote.

I smiled and sighed “Go and continue whatever you were doing.” I said and the door quickly closed. I handed both of them the antidote and Hiro downed it. Katara looked at it suspiciously then drank it.

“Y-you should be back to normal in about 5 minuets.” I said.

Katara took the chance to look around Doc’s office. “What is all of this its all notes.” She said and started looking at them. “If all of this is for other things to change us then I wonder what’s it his desk.” She said and went for the drawers. I ran over and slammed my hand against the desk drawer this was enough. I’m not letting her snoop even if she was a friend. When I did this I made her jump and step back.

“I-I’m sorry and I’m not going to let you go in his desk.” I told her.

“N-no it’s fine. I understand.” She said and started stumbling. I caught her, “You should let Mr. Nightray know to get rid of the dizziness of his antidotes.” She laughed as I helped her sit down on the couch.

‘This shouldn’t have had a dizziness to it. This has happened to me before and I know that it doesn’t have an effect at all to it.’
I thought and looked over to Hiro and he was doing just fine as his ears and tail went away.

“So what should we do today?” Hiro asked curiously.

“I’m not d-doing anything.” I told them.

“There is a haunted house tonight.” Katara suggested.

“That sounds great!” Hiro said.

“D-don’t I get a say in this?” I asked.

Neither of them answered me, so I’m guessing I’m not getting out of this. I sighed in defeat. I went through the day with cat ears and a tail. I didn’t mind I got use to it and Doc gave me till about 8 hours with the potion and it wore off by itself.