TIME Academy

Chapter 22: Break Plans


“I’ve liked him for a long time now. ” I continued.

“And I just gave you a little push.” Doc said. Then he pushed the candy bowl toward me and I quickly shook my head. After everything that had just happened there was absolutely no way I trusted him. He laughed a little. “I didn’t do anything to these.” He ate another one and then shoved a piece into Hei’s mouth unexpectedly.

“H-Hei!” I gasped and he looked surprised but he chewed and swallowed.

“C-Caramel.” He said quietly. “It tasted o-ok.” I slowly sat down on the couch and took a piece.

“Alright, thanks…” I slipped it in my mouth and just like Hei said, nothing tasted or felt off. So I grabbed a few more.

“Is there something on your mind Katara?” Doc asked.

“I guess, just why? Why are you doing this? The whole experiment thing.” I asked.

“It interests me.” He answered. Hei put a hand over his mouth a little and spoke while eating another sticky piece of caramel.

“Our…parents, w-were scientists.” He said and I couldn’t help but smile a tiny bit at him.

“So why use humans? Aren’t you supposed to use lab rats or something?” I wondered out loud.

“Humans bring more into the equation. I like all the variations.” Doc said happily. I sighed and shrugged. I guess that was true. But to use an entire school for his own amusement? He really was a bit crazy. Suddenly he asked a question I did not expect. “What are you doing for Thanksgiving break Katara?”

“Uh…staying here.” I blinked.

“Why don’t you spend the break with us?” He asked. I heard Hei suck in and he started coughing. I looked over at him, a little surprised.

“Are you alright?” I asked. He nodded a little. Did he not want me around? Probably not, considering he just found out Doc was actually his brother all along.

“I wouldn’t want to intrude.” I shook my head politely.

“You wouldn’t be.” Doc said immediately.

“Well, alright, as long as you both are ok with it.” I said softly. Hei nodded and Doc clapped his hands together.

“Then it’s settled! We actually have a house nearby, and we could have vacation there if you would like.” My head snapped up. A house?!

“What?!” I said. Hei nodded.

“W-We just think its e-easier staying here.” He explained.

“Yes! Yes I would love that!” I grinned ear to ear.

“Yay!” Doc jumped up and thumbs upped both of his hands.

“…W-Wait…there are o-only two b-bedrooms…” Hei stuttered.

“She’ll just sleep with you in your room Hei.” Doc waved nonchalantly. Hei’s face instantly turned red. “It’s ok I trust you two.” Doc continued.

“E-Excuse me?” I blinked.

“It’s no problem, he had a queen sized bed, and it’ll be just fine! Now run along and study, both of you. You have some more school to get through before the fun begins.”

“Yeah yeah…” I stood up and Hei and I both left.

“So…” I spoke up as we were about to part ways to our rooms. “We only have a few more days, but I’m looking forward to having a little break. And some good food.” I smiled.

“M-Me too.” Hei said. We both looked away from each other for a few moments.

“Good luck studying, see you sometime soon.” I waved a little and quickly went off. This was just fantastic, things were so weird now. I hoped it would just go away soon. Me and my big, fat mouth.


I got out of my last class before break started. I was excited and nervous as I packed my suitcase for Thanksgiving. My parents were thrilled I was going to stay with a friend. Little did they know it was going to be with a boy. But what they didn’t know wasn’t going to hurt them. I was looking forward to all the comforts of a home, and of course Hei’s company. But I just hoped he would have a good time too.