- Created By Chel the Bell
Or the lack there-of.
Perhaps you have noticed my lack of any submissions other than the occasional world post. The truth is, along with some computer problems, I just have been able to draw lately. I was getting rather nervous about it, you see I thought I had lost my ability to draw anything what-so-ever. I could see my future fading away (after all I had recently switch my major to Art). After struggling for days trying to draw something half-way decent I learned something. It's not that I've lost my ability to draw... I just can't draw on a computer. And I still have no idea why.
However, my mother was cleaning out one of my brothers' room and happened upon a lot of blank index cards. I quickly snatched them up and have decided to use them for drawing purposes. Because drawing on them is a lot easier then drawing on the computer. So I'm back to drawing and not feeling terrible about it... Though I did promise my brother a couple of pictures for his friends... I'll probably just have to draw them and scan them... As it is though I was thinking of doing some large artist trading cards. Thing is I've never done them before and don't really know how to go about this sort of thing. If you're interested, or have any experience with this sort of thing let me know/help a sista out.
I think I'm going to draw a bit now....
IN completely unrelated news:
- I've become obsessed with BBC Sherlock.
- My brother is trying to get me into Homestuck.
- Grandma is coming to visit
- I've to enroll in my classes still... SO LAZY
- Slowly working on applying to movie theatre. Only need more references~
Everything goes to philosophy on wikipedia.
I've heard recently that if you click on the first word of any wikipedia entry that isn't in italics or parenthesis it will eventually take you to philosophy, if you repeat the process enough. But I have found this to be untrue. That it is true that it happens a lot. There are at least to other scenarios. One that happens almost as much.
That is that if you do exactly as above, you will not go to philosophy, but to mathematics. And if you try to continue you will only loop around from mathematics to quantity to property which will than link back to mathematics. Though it is Property(philosophy). Another outcome is that you will loop between Narrative and Fiction... though this only happened once. I'm going to continue this study and see if there are any other outcomes.
This is quite fun.
Ode to the Terrible
Or something like that. Life's doing that thing where it likes to be garbage.
Mostly my computer is freaking out and breaking. AND IT DESTROYS ME. BECAUSE EVERYTHING I EVER HAD IS GONE FOREVER. Only memories remain. Which is cool in a cleansing sort of way. BUT IT'S SUCKS FOR MY INNER HOARDER. Like I'm srsly half-way to breaking down. Half of me is all "WHY OH GOD WHY?! WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS" and the other part of me is all "Meh, you needed this. You were really piling stuff up, and it's about time you had a clean sweep. God doesn't give you what you can't handle" And then that other part of me is all "STFU I'M SUFFERING I DON'T NEED YOU REASON SOBOSOBSOBSOBENDLESSSOB" It's quite an ordeal for me. The main problem is I don't want to tell my parents it's broke and go and get it fix and stuff.... If it doesn't break down this time... I think it'll be safe to start over... Interestingly enough it sorta goes with my hiatus so that's cool...
BUT YEAH... other than that. STORMS LIKE ALL THE TIME. My mom has been depressed and taking it out on everyone being all "I'M ANGRY AND SAD AND DISAPPOINT" And it's really hard to handle, since I try to avoid making people feel that way. It sucks hard core! AND I HAVE TO GO AND TALK WITH AN ADVISOR FOR SCHOOL... and advisor isn't even a word according to Mozilla. It should be adviser... but w/e my school spells it advisor. AND I GONNA TRY AND GO TO THE THEATRE AND GET AN APPLICATION. And that really freaks me out. FFFF SOCIAL ANXIETY GO AWAY.
But in something that doesn't suck completely... I'm getting a bit more religious. It's hard though because there isn't one that I like fully agree with (as far as I'm aware). I got like mostly Christian beliefs thanks to my parents... but I have a hard time believing in Jesus because I'm all "WHAT IF HE'S A FALSE IDOL" So IDK. It's a weird sort of thing where I'm like "I believe in God and doing good" but that's about it.
Man I have a feeling I'm a really boring person...
Pure unabashed rage. WHY IS EVERYONE EVIDENTLY SO STUPID. SRSLY Like ever single person that I voted for lost. Excepted Ichigo and Sailor Moon. IT'S RETARDED. REALLY GUYS?! ED BEATS ASH BUT VASH DOESN'T BEAT GOKU?! WHY?! WHAT KIND OF SICK REASON TO YOU HAVE TO EXPLAIN YOURSELF?! BECAUSE WITH RESULTS LIKE THAT YOU SEEM LIKE HYPOCRITES! Gosh I never thought I would be so upset with this. THIS IS WHY I NO LONGER WATCH ANIME. Because people who watch it are clearly idiots. I hope Sailor Moon wins. SHE DESERVES IT!! SHE AND NO ONE ELSE (maybe Goku....) GOSH I JUST CAN'T STAND PEOPLE ANYMORE!
LOL I'm sorry I don't mean half the things I said. Like people who watch anime aren't all stupid. And I can stand some people. BUT REALLY?! EVERYONE I VOTED FOR?! REALLY?! People have bad taste.
*Blames everyone else*
Greatest Character BR
Oh man. I didn't think I'd get into this. BUT FFF That first one makes me so angry.
Srsly I can't imagine anyone in their rightmind picking Edward Elric. Ever. I just don't understand. And I might be a bit bias, because I don't particularly like Fullmetal Alchemist... not after Hughes died, but still! How can he even hope to compare to Ash Ketchum. Ash is a symbol of childhood innocence. An inspiration to go out their and chase your dreams no matter how ridiculious they maybe. What does Edward do? Almost kill his brother? Search for a stone that requires the death of others (if I remember correctly)? And for what? Personal gain. Also Edward is Extremely annoying. What is he like 16 and he loses his head like that? Ash however is a loveable oaf. Sure he might not be the brightest blub in the socket, but he tries! He doesn't have all the answers but he goes for it with all his heart. Stressing the importance of loving your fellow creature, while simultaniously abusing them. Ed is just a jerk. And it really annoys be that people think Ed is better.
Hopefully this round people will go with the obvious winner of Vash. When I was thinking about who the best anime character was Vash was one of the first to come to mind. He's pretty legit. Goku's alright but I really don't know him that well.
Actually now that I think about it, I'll be extremely disappointed if Ash or Luffy doesn't win. For me those two embody what it is to be an anime character. Maybe it's their wild care-free attitudes, or desire to succeed no matter what the odds. Maybe they're just fun, and, for me, That's exactly what anime is suppose to be.