- Created By Chel the Bell
Reflection is a glass mirror, can any one see clearer, a reflection in a glass mirror I'm always making up weird diddies like the aforementioned. Granted "Glass Mirror" isn't as amazing as my Makin' ramen song. Oh waht's that you w...LEANNE!!!!!!!
Spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen the final episode of Season 5 of Project Runway.
LEANNE WON!!! YAY! I'm so happy! I love her clothes!! YAY!!!*does Happy dance* she's so awesome I totally heart her!!! UWAH!!!
Today is Columbus day! And tomorrow my parents don't have to goto work! YAY COLUMBUS! YAY all other early settlers in the Americas! That is all...
New Icon!
Squee~ I made me a new icon! It's Tybalt's eyes!! I actually hate the real picture because it looks weird when you zoom out and It was just crap because I wasn't trying. But I loved how I colored his eyes and skin (the only thing I color besides a patch of his hair). I only drew the picture to practice my coloring!! So if you haven't seen it check out my icon! His left eyes (the one on the right) is awesome!!!