- Created By Chel the Bell
Could you wanna take my pictwah?
LOL From that one song! Y'know the one with the airplane! And newborns... Well I know and that's all that matters!! I so totally badly want to cospray! I also wanna take pictures! But no good pictures! Just stupid pictures of people I know...Well... this sucks....
Edit: I found Lucile! She was in my bookbag.... I lost my purse! It's tragic! It was such a cute purse! And it had some of my makeup in it. Even if I don't wear makeup often I like to have it around. Though what really gets me is that my pu...For Justice?
LOL! This is great! I'm almost dne with Bleach Vol 24 (the mongah)and as I was reaidng it the funniest thing happen. So Tousen was all "Killing without purpose is murder! However killing with purpose..." And before I turned the age I was all "Is Justice!" And then it actually said that!! I totally rofled! I'm pyshic! Also the little inbetween chapter things with 69 is rather funny! Though I miss Kon/Mr.Medic! And I love Bleach's use of Spanish!! LOL I'm gonna go finish Bleach! then read Skip Beat 14!! CIAO!
Bubblegum Beauty.
What a stupid title that has absolutely nothing to do with the post itself... Though now I want to draw a bubblegum beauty... And make a comic out of it. Oh thanks a lot brain! You know I can't do comics!!...How tragic...
Well... I'm being Grim. First day back at school and I realized that one 1) summer was pointless, 2) Most of my classes are lame, 3) No french makes me angry, 4) I hate having two classes with hte same teacher in a row. I feel the only thing I can look forward to in school is Art. Also despite my veiw on science (I hate it, but if others sould enjoy it!), I think I actually might like Chemistry. Only because the teacher is awesome though. American History is going to be a drag. Math (PreCalc anyone?) is to going to be rather boring, plus way more people then I'm use to. English will be okay but only because I like reading... and writing. The thing is I'm taking Journalism and Yearbook which is basically the same class... I'm thinking of changing Yearbook to Spanish 3 because I might cry if I don't take a forgien language class. Hmph... what a drag... I don't wanna do anything. And today was a short day and I feel so tired. I ust want to sleep! It's to troublesome if you ask me. Psh, I don't even know what I want to do, and according to my research there's never going to be somehting I want to do. I'm gonna grow up and become a bum. I'll stay with my parents. My mom will be happy but then my dad would be so disappointed. Otou-san wants me to become rich so I can give him money. LOL that's the only reason I want a job really. To make lots of money and repay my parents for everything. Gosh, I feel like murder something... Not really just I'm not very happy... I kinda want to buy some manga. that would make me happy. I need some gummies and some manga and I would be okay. But no. I'm going to sit here and sulk because I can't drive and my mom isn't home and probably wouldn't take me anyway.
*Complain Complain*