But it wasn't even that funny...

So it's almost 5... IN DA MORNING!! Sleep is for the weak...
Anyway I was just sitting here looking through some pictures and stuff 'cause I'm bored and avioding working on stuff and sleeping. And a song starts (I forgot which one~) and all of a sudden I start chuckling! I'm all "Why am I laughing?" IT srsly didn't make sense. Also my mind has been destroyed. I was reading something and I freaked out because I thought it was going to disappear soon and I couldn't find a pause button... I've been watching to much anime....
Speaking of anime! Rah-chan told be she watch Azumanga Daioh! And I'm all "I only remember one episode!!!" Well actually like two. The one with the "Bean trivia" and the Hiccup episode! The hiccup episode was hilarious! Good Times... Good times..
Today I listened to some of my pandora stations for like the first time in YEARS! And Omg... I missed Daft Punk and Data 80... LOL I used to be such a sucker for some techno music... Now IDK what I like. 80s pop, some classic rock, J-pop, Alt Rock, pop, indie... LOL I like everything! Except Country. But I like old Country so! It's just new country is like.... the cliche pop music. EXACTLY THE SAME! Some blonde hair girl singing about her love problems. Srsly. But I like the older stuff....
YOU KNOW YOU KNOW? NO YOU DON'T YOU DON'T I WANNA SHINE ON IN THE HEARTS OF MAN! LOL. at one time any time I said "Y'know?" I would start singing that. EVERYTIME!!! LOL I don't so much anymoar, but I'll probably start up again!
Well that's it....
"I got soul, but I'm not Soldier..."
