
I woke up like an hour ago, and I'm tired. All I want to do now is sleep or doodle.But I tried to sharpen my pencil yestury day and the sharpener murder my pencil. Now I have to go use the electric sharpener to mae it better... but I'm to lazy.... I have have this one part of "Believe Me Natalie" stuck in my head...
My mom tried to wake me up earlier today. All she did was tellme to get up and leave my door open. Which really just made me angry. So I had to get up and close the door, but then I just went back to sleep. She's mad at me for sleeping all day, but if she hadn't woken me up in the first place, I might have gotten up at 2 instead of 4. Whenever I wake up and fall bac asleep I end up sleeping like way long. And then when I finally wake up I end up being really tired. But she made grilled Cheese and Mac-n-cheese so I'm not as angry at her. But she kept complaining that I didn't try her different grilled cheese (she used different types of cheese, but I like her Amercian Cheese one just fine, and thought "Why change it?" so she's tickin' me off with that. And she told me I have to put the dishes in the dish washer because I need to help around the house more. And I'm all "No." because 1) They ain't my dishes, 2) she made me really angry, 3) I'm lazy and don't want to. I hate putting the dishes in the dish washer because I get really naseous. LOL, I'm so spoiled. I should be happy I don't have to wash them by hand. And I am, but I still don't want to do it... I'm just not in a good mood...
