Doing stuff!

I wrote a poem! It goes like this:
Haiku Haiku Yeah
I am writing a haiku
Haiku haiku yeah.

Isn't that the best poem ever?! If I wrote a book of poem they would all be like that!

One day I need to rhyme
But found I had no time
Lymric Lymric Yeah
Lymric Lymric Yeah
Maybe I'll become a mime

Another work of art if you ask me. (I just came up with it too~ I'm must be a poetic genius Teehee!)

Now for my final Poem a couplet (Because I like Lymrics, Couplets, and haikus).

I hope you won't forget
My poor little couplet.

Honestly I'm so amazing
Enough of that though! I finished rah-chan's Rituska and he's so cute I wanna keep him! but I won't. LOL because he keeps looking at me with his eyes man, HIS EYES MAN!!! Always like he knows what I'm thinking... GET OUT OF MY HEAD RITSUKA! Now I have to figure out what I want as my keychain. I keep going from like YoujixNatsou, to Soubi, to Sora, to Riku, to Mellow Marumi (Is that right?), to Seimei, back to Soubi, to someone from Breach(Bleach...I'm insensitive!), to IDK. I just want one yeah! Oh maybe I'll make a Tobi one! or a Sasuke one! Or maybe Hanatarou. Or Ichimaru! Or Italy (Pasta~)! Or RUSSIA!!! I don't know. What do y'all think? I don't know. And why are all my ideas male! Ugh I have so many ideas I can't pick one...
My mom made me do her work. Well some of it. It wasn't hard or anything just really boring. I didn't do very much of it, but I might go back and do more if I don't have anything to do. It's really easy and I secretly wish it could be my job for the rest of my life~ I like simple task. But before that she tried to make me go to the Dentist with her. I don't like the dentist. Always telling me to brush my teeth and making me feel guilty when I don't...
Things to do today:
Make another Keychain
Draw some fanart to post here.
Do some more of my moms work.
E-mail Rah-chan
