The Sims...

OH GOD MY LIFE IS RUINED! I started playing the sims as soon as I woke up this morning and played until like 1. FROM 9 TO 1!!!! THE HECK I HAVE NO LIFE! And then Rah-chan came over and I kept playing and then she started complaining that it was boring so I got off finally. And then we watched The Haunting(A Haunting... IDK). It was actually pretty hilarious because my funny older brother was watching it with us and we kept making fun of it! I kept laughing. It was hilarious. Then we just messed around and stuff, and then Rah-chan went home and I don't know what to do. I kind of want to play the Sims but I should work on that gift I'm going to be giving to Kim for her birthday tomorrow... LOL priorities? Wut's that?! Ahurhurhur... OMG IT'S A WELCOME TO THE NHK AD!! A CONSPIRACY PERHAPS?! LOL the show is so weird, and made me want to become a hikikomori (LOL sp?).
Think I'm going to work on the gift... BUT WHO KNOWS RIGHT?!
