You Never Give Me Your Money

Today, just now, I realized I'm greedy. And not just a little bit. Like th most important thing in life to be is dinero and material things. But I'm not a gold-digger... I want money that I earned. I want that sense of accomplishment. LOL sometimes I even refuse free stuff. Like when we work concession we get one free item and there has been times when I haven't taken anything. I don't know. Stuff like that I feel like is more volunteer stuff. I hate when people get rewarded for volunteer work. The reward should be you feeling like you've done the right thing. That you helped. mean that's the whole point right? But yeah I'm greedy and like money. I had a dream recently. I was in a giant chruch like building and there was this hue city around in. But I was in this room with like a friend and my dad and in the room there was a couch. It was a very elaborate couch. Like made of gold with velvet apolstery(sp). Oh and the room was like this jewlery store I guess because there was a lot of other jewlery. But on this couch was this huge necklace. Like it had this really long gold chain and a big pendant. The pendent had like this gold viney stuff surround it this opaque stone. It was a smooth polish stone but it was so beautiful because it changed color. Like there was a light shining behind it. Only there wasn't a light it was just the stone. And Iput it on and it was like really long and I thought about wrapping it around my neck a couple times but I was afaird the weight of the stone would cause it to choke me. So I remember the store owner saying I could have it but I was't really paying attention. I was obsessed with the necklace. And then I woke and it wasnt real and I felt like crying. It's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. And I wish it was real.
LOL Such a long paragraph. Anyway that dreamed reminded me of the Imginarium of Dr. Parnusus. And I started to wonder if that was my choice. LIke If I had to choose between that necklace or living in poverty, where the necklace would send me to the devil and poverty would send me to heaven, which one would I choose? I'm pretty sure I would choose the necklace. I don't know it was just so captivating and I doubt you can understand. ALRIGHTY THEN! I'm done babbling...
