Wednesday Morning at 5-o'clock

It's actually like 9:30pm on a Thursday, but who cares y'know?
I'm tired but got distracted by my computer. And Now I'm just going to spew stuff from my mind.
I was riding my scooter home from school today, and this car was behind me. I was freakin' out because I was going kind of slow and I know I get irritated when people drive slow so I was worried they'd get mad at me. But there were all these birds flying around, and I'm terrified of birds, and I didn't want to hit the birds, especially on my scooter, so I was driving a little slow. So this is the conversation I had in my mind:
"Fuck you. I'll drive fucking slow if I fucking want to. I don't want to fucking a fucking bird, so if you want to go fucking faster and hit the fucking birds go right on a-fucking-head. I sure as fuck ain't going hit not fucking bird."
Y'know I never curse IRL, but my mind swears like a sailor. I don't curse, or cuss or swear or whatever you want to call it in real life because I get extremely offended when people do, and I don't want to offend anyone. I"m considerate sometimes y'know.
I helped my buddy with her math today. Calculus is hard. LIKE REALLY HARD. But I think I'm getting Intergrating my parts. It's just srs business y'know.
I never comment on people's works or anything. I feel guilty about because I love getting comments and I know other people like getting comments, but I just can't bring myself to comment. I don't know what to say sometimes.
Well I'm tired I think I'm going to go ahead and go to bed now. G'Night.
