So I wasted most of today (Like from 10am-4pm) playing Zelda:Ocarina of Time. I remembered my brother bought it off the wii shop thing, and I was like "I'll give it a go!". I'm at the Rock-People place... Death Mountain! PFFT Youcan tell I'm a terrible fan because I forgot the name of the Rock People and I was just playing it. Gordons? Gorgons(PFFT)? I don't know. I also keep forgetting how songs go so I just play something until it starts to sound right, or it works... hahaha. Man I wish I had epona because walking around is LAME. Haha I'm so lazy... Also I have to use the stupid "classic" controller which is so weird 'cause it's like a sega controller, and when I played Ocarina of Time (all those years ago) I used a N64 controller. So I keep using the right joystick to rotate But it's actually the c-buttons so I end up wasting my slingshots. But it was alot of fun! I was just getting bored and wanted to do other stuff. Which reminds me of Dark Cloud 2 because I would play that thing ALL day. But now I can't beat stupid Griffon!! Argh he cheats!
Also I got an email from my future roomate. Ugh I never want to respond to her because the idea just freaks me out. Also she doesn't capitalize things. Ugh I hope she isn't a coffee-drinking idiot. She probably is though. I'll cry. But Ugh I'll avoid emailing and email her maybe tomorrow or something. I hope at the very least I'll be able to tolerate her... Look at me being all high and mighty~ I'm such a snob.
