Well, Well. I'm not really sure what to say... It's stroming outside. Lightening and everythiing... I dun care! As long as there's no tornado! That would such! don't want to lose all my stuff!! But I highyl doubt there'll be one so... yeah...
This is my first post. YAY!
Haha... I'm so random. And nnow I'm not because I said that. That's how it works!
I think I going to mae a comic! It really excited about it... I'm working on the cover (Not right now, but a cover is in the works). It's going to be called Tribulations. Lovely name. I was going to call it 20/20 but I changed it around so now that title doesn't make any sense... Let me tell you about it!
Tribulations follows the story of a highschool girl. But she's no ordinary highschool girl (duh?). She's a member of an Organizations called OPS (Organization of Protective Souls). Members of OPS are responible for the Saftey of the Mortal relam, and are in charge of finding 'friendly' ways of 'dispatching' the undead (zombies, ghost,etc). Of course she will face many hardships, and what not.
I dunno. I really wanna be original about this but It just seems like it's all been done before... PROLLY CUZ IT HAZ!!! Oh well. I'll try my best to make it funny and interesting! And I will work really really hard on it... If I do it at all...
You can see Clorinda(Maincharacter of Tribulations), and some of my other arts in my art section area. PLEASE GO LOOK AT IT!! And comment... Please...