Hey Guys I'm an Otaku Legend *rejoices*
I have my German Oral exam today. PFFFT My friend practiced with my on Saturday and we were such goofs. My friend told me that I should say I like to go on long walks on the beach. So like "Ich gehe gern lange spaziern an der Meer" which is really more I like to go for long walks along the sea, but whatever, and now I totally want to. And when I have to answer how I am I want to say "Bin ich gluchklick(sp) und froh" which is I am happy and cheerful, but it's from the Beatles "Komm gib mir deine Hand." SO I'M TOTALLY LOLZING ABOUT IT RIGHT NOW. GOSH I'm totes nervous for it. Did you know the german word for dead is Tot. TRUE FACTS. Ich bin tot.... GEHIRNE~ LOL. Also I totally failed at not saying I/typing I for a day. Pretty good typing wise, but I said it a bunch, but I'mma act like I didn't and write my reaction paper for it. GOOD ENOUGH I SAY! So yeah school and stuff....
BLUE IS TOUGH Y'ALL! One day you'll understand....