I is sad!

I is fail!! *Is Weeping* Why have the art gods forsaken me?! Have I not be the most devote of followers! Have I not obeyed their every comand?! So why must they treat me so unfairly!!!
I was working on my Luci pic and now I HATE IT!! I'm so sorry Luci! I love you but the art gods thk you are weak and pitiful and aren't worth all the time I put into you... My precious Luci I feel so bad!
So I want to draw more Luci pics (though you will never see them!) And I really badly want to draw Suzuki, but I failz at drawing chicks and I'm not positive what I want her to look like. ARGH! Why can't I make a decent drawing that I can be proud of and not hate!!
I don't know what color to make Luci's hair. any suggestions... I'm thinking a pale color... Like white! But white is hard to color!! VERY HARD INDEED!!
*Weeps more about failing*
