Glory Be!

What a retarded title...
I FOUND MY 2H PENCIL!!! I'm so happy!! I was going to draw with my B penicl but I needed to erase something so I started looking for a pink eraser that was hanging out around my bed and instead found my 2H pencil and white eraser! I'm so happy!! UWAH! I even more excited because I drew two chibis! TWO! And normally I don't do chibi because I fail at it... But these two are so Adorable!! I love Chibi Luci!! And his fat Corgi!! Oh the other chibi is Camille... Another new character!!! One day I hope to come up with an awesome story line to throw Lucifer and his friends into!!
Speaking of my characters! I now have to of their designs down! Only two more to go! I fine it interesting that Suzuki was the first one to pop into my mind but I think she'llbe the last one I finish... I'm super exicted about all my new characters and everything!! I'm trying really hard to find a style I love and can work with! While not giving up on characters! But I super love the personalities of all my characters!!! I can't wait to show them all to you!!!
I also want to draw some fanart but I don't know what to do!! I want to do some Nosatsu fanart (Mainly NakaIku stuff), and some Naruto fanart (SasuNaru). I really want to draw Sasuke and Naruto lying next to each other under a tree!! But I lack the skillz... I is saddened by this!!
Anyway I'm going to stop blabbing about my art and draw!! Buh-bye!
(PS: Listen to "Love was Made for Two"- Data 80.... It's cool!)
