Wide open fields....

I had a dream that I could fly. Like Peter Pan but without pixie dust... It was the coolest flying dream I have ever had. the last flying dreams I had were more of dreams when I was floating and died because I went outside and couldn't stop floating and floated up into the atmosphere and died. And before that my flying dreams were of me in a Traverse Town kinda city with a lot of lights like vegas. But in those dreams I could fly because of Peter Pan. But in this flying dream all I had to do was concentrate (believe?) and I could fly! Like I just imagined I was light as air and I could fly. But so could like everyone at school. So they had this main school building, and than out in the country-side there was the secondary school building which was used for like one type of class only ("School Improvemnt" aka: shut-up-and-read time/ Last for about 20 mins). So I had to fly to get the other building and I had done it a lot before (evidently...?) so I decided to tae the long way and flew over pastures and fields. It as so beautiful, and I was so at peace. I was having a good time just flying, but as I neared the other school I realized I had forgotten my book, so I had to fly back to main school. But I only had like a minute left. But I was going to get in trouble if I didn't bring a book so I started to fly back. But for some reason I couldn't fly as fast. And I was flying like a little bit above the highway. But as I was flying my dad appeared on his motocycle. And he was all "WOAH! YOU CAN FLY?!" . And I was all "Yes but I need my book". So my dad and I talked while I flew back to the school which ended up being extremely far away, but I never made it because I woke up. But that dream was epic! I love flying dreams... Especially ones that make me wake up happy and peaceful! It's just one of the best feelings ever! I wish I could fly for real like that...
Thats it... I only wanted to talk about my dream...
